Attractions in Japan

The country of the rising sun, the land of samurai and geisha, the country of tea and silk, the country of bright colors and cherry blossoms - all this is Japan. It is here, to the edge where high technologies peacefully coexist with centuries-old traditions, and we invite you to a virtual journey.

The main attractions of Japan

So, what interesting places are waiting for us in Japan?

  1. One of the most important attractions in Japan, which became her symbol, known to everyone - Mount Fuji. Conquer its summit is considered a matter of honor by any self-respecting resident of the country, because this mountain is considered sacred. Two centuries ago only men had the right to climb its slopes, but now it is allowed to the fair sex. Tourists who decided to make the ascent should remember that the route will take at least 3-8 hours to go up and the road downwards from 2 to 5 hours. In addition, there are certain rules of behavior on Mount Fujiyama: you can not litter here, and you have to pay for visiting the toilet, which is a rare case in Japan.
  2. Traveling in Japan can not be imagined without visiting the capital of this country, the city of Tokyo , where tourist attractions are waiting for tourists at every step. It is here that travelers expect the unprecedented peaceful coexistence of two worlds - centuries-old buildings and ultramodern skyscrapers. Truly, Tokyo is a city of contrasts. There are several large business centers in the neighborhood of small houses, where life is rustically quiet and measured, where today women go shopping in traditional kimonos, and the air is full of bird's homon.
  3. In the heart of Tokyo stands the Imperial Palace of Kokyo, literally buried in the greenery of Higashi-gueen and Kitanomaru parks. Although the Japanese capital is one of the first places in terms of population density, the authorities of Tokyo are trying to make the lives of its inhabitants as comfortable as possible, while preserving as many green spaces as possible. The way to the palace lies through a double bridge and simply denying the gates with its magnificence.
  4. Travelers with children will be interested in visiting the local Disneyland , located just some 10 kilometers from the capital.
  5. For those who from the trip to Japan expect, first of all, exotic and local color, it will be interesting to visit one of the most beautiful places in Japan - Himeji Castle. Built more than four centuries ago, Himeji Castle came to us without losing its pristine beauty. Today, it is fully considered to be one of the objects of the national heritage of the country of the Rising Sun.
  6. A lot of admiring the beauties of a detached castle, you can start looking at the whole city-museum, which was once the capital of Japan - the city of Nara. It is here that the sights will be waiting for the traveler literally at every step, it is only necessary to turn your head in time.
  7. As you know, the Japanese honor the traditions, and even more so - the religious traditions. That's why to this day has reached a huge number of temples located in different parts of the country. In order to see them in mass, it's enough to come to Kyoto. It is here that the two most famous Buddhist temples are located - the Golden and Silver Pavilions. Such names are given to temples not casually, after all in their furnish used basically, the above-stated noble metals. Another interesting place in Kyoto, which can be called not only beautiful, but also mysterious - a garden of stones, arranged in the courtyard of the temple of Reanji. Inexplicably, ordinary stones, arranged by groups, literally fascinate everyone who gets there: they disperse anguish and help focus on the main thing, giving rise to interesting thoughts and associations.