
The young lady is tenacious, which in the people is also called a lintel, a clinger, a scribble, is known to many people who have summer plots, like widespread weed grass, which is very difficult to breed. However, not everyone knows that this plant has useful properties and has long been used in our non-traditional medicine, and in some countries even officially included in the register of medicinal plants. We will find out what are the medicinal properties and contraindications of the pickaxe, how to harvest and apply this unusual plant.

Composition and medicinal properties of the plant

This plant is annual, has long lying tenacious stalks, sharpened tenacious leaves, flowers with small white flowers, collected in semi-zoos, and its fruits are bivalve spheres covered with spines. The chemical composition of the picket mattress is not fully understood, but it is established that its terrestrial part contains the following substances:

The medicinal properties of the plant, some of which have been confirmed by clinical studies, include:

Collection and preparation of

For medical purposes, basically, the ground part of the plant collected during the flowering period (July-August) is used. When harvesting with a pair of scissors, the flowering part of the grass is cut about 30 cm long, after which the leaves are separated. All raw materials are dried together, spread out on fabric or in paper, in the shade, with good ventilation. Periodically, the raw material should be turned over (at least once a day). Store the workpiece in bags of paper or cardboard, in linen bags for not more than a year.

Ways to use a picket

Indications for the use of a pickaxe:

On the basis of the plant, curative decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures are prepared, which are used both internally and externally (for lotions, compresses, rubbing, douching, etc.). Also powdered powdered raw materials are applied - externally, inside (with water). We will cite one of the recipes for the preparation of a water infusion of a pickaxe, recommended for hemorrhoids, malignant tumors, kidney stones.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

Pour the grass with boiling water, insist for three hours, then drain. Take in a warm form on a half cup four times a day, drinking the medicine slowly. The course of treatment is three weeks.

Contraindications to the use of a crane

Applying a picket is tenacious, you should strictly follow the dosages, the duration of the treatment course. It is not recommended to treat this plant with the following categories of patients: