What is useful onions?

They say: "Onions from seven ailments" means that there is something in it. And they think so long ago, about seven thousand years. The presumed home of the onion is Asia, from where it migrated to Egypt, Greece and Rome. In the modern world, onions are more than enough - about 400 varieties, each of which is valuable in its own way and can not be replaced by another option.

We do not agitate you to look for all four hundred varieties, but to enrich your table with a pair of three varieties of onion is still recommended. The fact that the story could have been useful in onions - the warriors of the crusades, and the Olympic athletes, and even the pharaohs, forcing them to endure slaves - the builders of the pyramids - were crazy about him.

What is useful for a modern man?

Onions are useful for all diseases of the respiratory tract. There is nothing more pleasant, as a description of what is useful onions for bronchitis, tonsillitis, colds and influenza. This banal plant is a natural antibiotic. Due to the content of flavonoids, onions are merciless to the causative agents of angina, tuberculosis, and influenza. Especially, onions are afraid of streptococci.

In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, several times a day, freshly cut onions rings should be inhaled, and with avitaminosis and immunity decline, there simply is.

When we talk about what is useful for an onion for the body, it means not only onions, but all of its brethren. Thus, leeks are a preventive remedy for atherosclerosis - this feature is due to phosphorus and magnesium in the composition. And the shallots prevents the occurrence of cancer and is used as an anti-inflammatory drug.

Onion for slimming

Onions must be included in your diet. Onions are used for weight loss, again, thanks to active biological substances - flavonoids, which stimulate the work of the digestive tract, purify the intestines, provide an easy diuretic action.

In addition, the onion will relieve the depression when losing weight, which occurs in 90% of women because of the rejection of their favorite foods. Even with the scantiest diet, only one onion will provide daily norms of vitamin A and C, and vitamins do not have enough on the diet, not less than sweet.


Despite all the useful properties of onions, he also has contraindications. It should be used with caution and in limited quantities with the following diseases:

Do not forget that you can independently appoint yourself "Lukotherapy" only when you are healthy and just want to increase the fighting efficiency of your body. And if the disease has already been knocked into your life, first of all, you need to ask the doctor about the "dosage" of such an active vegetable.