Causes of deviant behavior

Deviant behavior is an act of a person or a group of people that does not conform to generally accepted norms. Moreover, the definition of such behavior is very abstract, because any society has its own norms and what in the criminal world is generally accepted norm - earnings on robbery, then in another society is called a deviant.

The types and causes of deviant behavior can be positive and negative. A positive deviant is overcoming social norms for a qualitative change in the social system. And negative deviant behavior contributes to destruction, degradation.

Deviant behavior can be expressed in offenses or in extremism, revolutions, rallies. Such behavior is used by religious extremists, revolutionaries, terrorists, all those who struggle with the society within which they are located.

The causes of the devinata

The causes of deviant behavior do not have an accurate, scientific interpretation. But there are various theories about which we will talk.


The causes of the emergence of deviant behavior are sought and found in genetic predispositions, mental abnormalities, special traits of character and appearance. And these deviations are mainly manifested in the form of addictions - addictions that serve as a way to replace reality with the illusory world of alcohol, nicotine, drugs. The result of addictions is the destruction of personality.

As for the social causes of deviant behavior, they cover the essence of the phenomenon much more and more extensively. There are several theories at once:

  1. Disorientation is a disagreement between a person's life experience and generally accepted norms. As if life lived by a person, his experience suggests that adhering to social norms, you will not come anywhere. In such cases anomie arises - a complete absence of social norms of human behavior.
  2. R. Merton, an American sociologist, formulated an anomie effect differently. According to his theory, anomie is not the absence of norms, but the impossibility of following them. In modern society, the main generally accepted goals are success and well-being. The society does not give all people equal conditions for achieving these goals, in this case deviation is manifested. A person has a mean choice - violation of the law, in order to achieve common goals (success and wealth) or refusal to pursue these goals, and accordingly, forgetfulness - drugs, alcohol , etc. It is also possible to rebel against society.
  3. The psychological cause of deviant behavior is the hanging of labels. For example, the perpetrator sincerely decided to embark on a true path, but society, knowing that he does not trust the criminal does not give him work, constantly reminds that he is "bad." Having reached the psychological limit, this person is forced to return to criminal way, because society has left him no other choice. Deviant behavior is, in a way, the foul of the last hope in football.

Among all social groups, deviations are most vulnerable to adolescents. They have already developed a desire for self-realization, but life does not yet provide them with the opportunity to realize and realize themselves. The juvenile mentality is very vulnerable, and sensitive to the infringement of rights and opportunities. Sometimes, there is only one unreasonable accusation or reproach of parents or school teachers, so that the teenager steps on the path of deviant behavior. And the easiest way to become a deviant is alcohol, drugs, smoking.

As a rule, deviations are negative, but there are exceptions. For example, genius, creativity, innovation can be regarded by society as eccentricity. And this non-perception of a different kind of thinking, called eccentricity, makes teenagers even more vulnerable and stimulates alienation.