How to teach a child to eat a spoon?

Many mothers question "how to teach a child to eat a spoon" will seem strange, because their children mastered this art easily and imperceptibly for others. But if the child stubbornly refuses to eat from a spoon, then this becomes a real problem for the whole family. About how to teach the child to a spoon and when to start learning - let's talk in our article.

How to teach a child to use a spoon?

To do this with the least loss of parental nerves will help our advice:

  1. When to teach a child to eat with a spoon? Begin the acquaintance of the baby with a spoon is better when it equals six months. It is at this age that the child has already begun the transition from mother's milk to adult food and his pens are sufficiently developed to hold the spoon. Of course, this date is conditional, and it is clear that it's time for the child to take a spoon in his hands, he will help himself, having begun to show an active interest in the contents of the parental plate and cutlery.
  2. Which spoon is better to feed the baby? For the first acquaintance with a spoon it is better to stock up a special spoon made of silicone. Such a spoon is soft, light and it is impossible to get hurt. In addition to the spoon, it is worthwhile to buy other dishes for the baby - plates and cups with beautiful bright pictures.
  3. How to teach a child to keep a spoon and use it? In this there is nothing difficult - just give the child a spoonful in the hand. If the baby is hungry enough, he will no doubt try to scoop up the food and bring it to his mouth. It is very important not to interfere with the first, albeit awkward, attempts of the crumbs to do this. You can only hold and direct his handle with a spoon in the direction of the mouth. Do not rush to feed the baby, give him the opportunity to eat alone. Only when the child begins to show signs of fatigue and irritation, you can help him by taking for this another spoon.
  4. Of course, the baby's first attempts are on his own, will be accompanied by disorder. And surely after feeding you have to bathe your baby. But we will be patient - in this case, disorder is an indispensable companion for successful study.
  5. Do not scold your baby for a mess or unwillingness to use a spoon while eating. What is simple and natural for us is still a difficult job for him. More than ever, the baby needs this period in the support and approval of the parents. So do not skimp on praise.
  6. Feed the baby along with the rest of the family. Watching the parents and older children, the baby will also want to take a spoon in his hand.