Bacterial candidiasis

In medicine, there is no such thing as bacterial candidiasis. Where did this phrase come from? The fact is that there are two different diseases - vaginal candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis. There are cases that one is leaking against the background of another, here we have a confusion in our head. To put an end to this, consider separately the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and vaginal candidiasis and talk about ways to treat them.

Bacterial Vaginosis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Bacterial vaginosis is vaginal dysbiosis, a situation in which the number of lactobacilli, which form the basis of normal vaginal microflora, decreases and the vagina colonizes pathogenic bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis is not a venereal disease, although the change in the sexual partner (especially frequent shifts) can provoke a change in the vaginal microflora. In addition, the causes of dysbacteriosis of the vagina can be:

Bacterial vaginosis can occur almost asymptomatically, without giving the woman any inconvenience. The main sign is an unpleasant odor from the vagina, often reminiscent of the "fragrance" of rotten fish.

How to cure bacterial vaginosis should be decided by a specialist, since only he can correctly choose the drug. Usually, such medications as Metronidazole, Atrikan, Klion-D, Tiberal, Klinamycin, Dilacin, etc. are prescribed. You can try and additional treatment of bacterial vaginosis folk remedies, naturally after consulting a specialist. The following funds are aimed at increasing immunity, which is important in the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis. Obtained medications should be taken ½ cup four times a day.

  1. 2 medium carrots grate and squeeze juice. Peel 10 cloves of garlic and crush them. A small head of cabbage to wash, chop and put in a pan. Add 2 cups of water and cook for 10-15 minutes, then add chopped garlic and carrot juice. All warm for 1 minute, remove from heat and cool. Take a filtered through gauze decoction.
  2. Two tablespoons of dry mountain ash pour 2 cups of boiling water and heat on the fire for 10-15 minutes. After adding 2 tablespoons of honey and leave to cool for 4 hours. Next, put 2 grated onions (washed and peeled).

Especially it is necessary to say about the treatment of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy. There is a problem with the examination, but the final diagnosis can be made only after the tests and microscopic examination. In pregnant women, bacterial vaginosis must be treated, but do so with caution so as not to damage the fetus. Therefore, all the doctor's recommendations must be strictly observed. It should also be remembered that in pregnancy, bacterial vaginosis is treated usually after the 20th week of pregnancy, before this period, the use of metronidazole drugs can be dangerous.

Vaginal candidiasis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Vaginal candidiasis (thrush) can occur against the background of dysbacteriosis of the vagina, as well as due to persistent stress, overfatigue, malnutrition and an unfavorable state of ecology and uncontrolled intake of antibiotics. In pregnant women, the risk of vaginal candidiasis is higher due to a decrease in women's immunity during this period.

Vaginal candidiasis in children is not found, but there are lesions of the oral cavity and the development of fungi on diaper rash and irritated areas of the skin.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are whitish cheesy discharge from the vagina with an unpleasant odor, itching and pain, which intensify after water procedures or sexual intercourse.

How to treat vaginal candidiasis? This question can be answered by a specialist, but it is necessary to remember that there are preparations for both ingestion and local administration. Self-medication thrush to deal with, especially pregnant women. For the wrong treatment, like ignoring the disease, can lead to a variety of complications during pregnancy.