Inoculation of Gardasil

Phantom hope or sentence - the opinions of doctors about the Gardasil vaccine were divided into 2 completely opposite camps. Some are genuinely convinced that vaccination is a real breakthrough in medicine that will radically change the sad statistics about infected HPV , while others are convinced that vaccination only aggravates the situation and entails the appearance of other serious problems.

Vaccination against HPV Gardasil - "for" and "against"

A difficult choice is faced by the mothers of underage girls, because it is at an early age, starting at age 9, in the opinion of specialists, that it is advisable to vaccinate for the prevention of cervical cancer. But not everything is as rosy as advertising slogans and propaganda say.

In the early 90s, the American pharmaceutical company developed Gardasil. According to the manufacturer, the vaccine promotes the formation of specific antibodies to the four most dangerous types of HPV (strains 6, 11, 16, 18). The drug was clinically tested and began to be used in the US, New Zealand, Mexico, Brazil, and the EU countries. To make the vaccine Gardasil as a preventive measure to our compatriots was proposed in 2009. Vaccination was conducted in schools and women's clinics for girls and women of childbearing age from 12 to 50 years. And everything would be great if the publication of independent studies and very unflattering reviews of practicing physicians regarding the Gardasil vaccine did not begin. In addition to these side effects, manufacturers have been hidden information about the possible consequences of administering the vaccine to women who are already carriers of the virus.

The claimed adverse reactions can be classified as:

Independent studies have shown that the drug "activates" even safe HPV strains, thus increasing the risk of cancer cell degeneration. What can I say, about how much indignation caused the information that Gardasil vaccine causes infertility. If you consider that vaccination is recommended for young girls, such a diagnosis sounds like a sentence. In addition, for a long time, the information about other side effects, such as stroke, vasculitis and even cardiac arrest, was hushed up.

Of course, the doctors' comments regarding the Gardasil vaccine are contradictory, therefore it is quite difficult to assess the real risk and potential benefits. But, as they say, smoke without fire does not happen, therefore before deciding to vaccinate, you need to weigh the pros and cons.