Unusual nipples

Dark and light, large and small, elongated and, conversely, drawn in - all these characteristics of the nipples. There are so many varieties of them that you can not foresee what kind of nipple, for example, a newborn girl will have when she grows up.

The most common on the Earth are female haloes of dark color of round form with large nipples. They are in 40% of the fair sex, while some types of unusual nipples can be found in no more than a hundred women.

Female nipples of unusual shape

Nature is very interesting thing, and it rewards people, sometimes, it would seem, by the most extraordinary forms of body parts. Breast in the fair sex is no exception, and we all know that the forms of the breast are more than 10 different types.

Female nipples also did not stay aside, and the most unusual types look like this:

  1. Flat, or drawn inwards. At the young ladies having such nipples, at rest they are invisible. The nipples are simply hidden in the chest. However, with sexual arousal, quite often, they change their location and manifest themselves outside. As a rule, this type is inherited and unlikely to occur in a girl, if she had no ancestors in the family with such a feature.
  2. Elongated. This type of unusual nipples are the longest of the existing ones. In a state of rest their length reaches 8 mm, and in a state of excitation exceeds a centimeter.
  3. With a serving areola. These nipples rise above the rest of the chest. Such unusual aureoles of nipples are in women, with an increased volume of subcutaneous tissue and an abnormally contracted state of the muscles of this zone. Treatment does not require this condition and is normal for this form of areola.

So, in conclusion, I want to note that the nipples of an unusual form is more a gift of nature than some kind of anomaly. They, like everyone else, are able to fulfill their basic function - to feed children, although it should be noted that for such nipple forms, as inward and flat, this task can become problematic, because the crumb will be very difficult to grasp for them. In this case, the problem can be solved with the help of special linings.

If you are the owner of unusual nipples or their shape is very disturbing to you, then go to the plastic surgery clinic, perhaps after consulting a doctor you will be advised to make their correction.