Barbecue BBQ

Spring and summer are the best times when you can cook different kinds of meat on the grill , shashlik in the fresh air. If you have a dacha or you are the owner of a private country house, buying a barbecue grill will be an excellent solution, and on weekends you are guaranteed an excellent holiday with your family and friends.

In general, the name "barbecue" means the way of cooking meat. Previously, on a skewer, a whole carcass of wild boar or lamb was cooked in a specially excavated pit, this was a barbecue. Another such name is applicable to the event itself and can be replaced by the word dinner, party and others. At us barbecue means everything, that is prepared in the special device and more often on a lattice or a spit.

For frying, a wide variety of grill designs are used, and they all differ among themselves with a device made of material, but they have one thing in common - they are used to prepare meat in a variety of variations.

When talking about barbecue grill, then most often mean a round or oval capacity, in which the coals languish and there is a grate for frying the food. But in principle, it's not in the form, but in the way of cooking, although they do not really differ. In barbecue the meat is juicier than on the stove due to the speed of cooking, because the moisture and fat do not have time to evaporate completely from the pieces.

What are the braziers?

So, let's take a closer look at the shape and arrangement of various BBQ barbecues. The most commonly found on sale is a round barbecue grill. It is universal and on such an adaptation it is possible to grill vegetables, meat and sausages, as well as shish kebabs on skewers.

In the lower bowl on the very bottom there is a hole for cleaning ash, and in some models there is an ash-pit for adjusting the flame and ignition. At the top of the bowl is a grate, which can be lowered to different depths.

It is advisable to buy a barbecue grill with a lid, as it will be difficult to pick it later. It is required for faster frying of products - the cooking time is reduced by almost half. The lid can be removable in round structures and folding, which is most often found in oval and rectangular braziers.

Very convenient is the BBQ 3 in 1 ( BBQ- barbecue). With its help, you can fry all kinds of snacks not on the grid, as on other models, use a skewer for skewers, and there is also a skewer on which you can have medium-sized carcasses to cook them whole.

But the main advantage of this brazier is the ability to smoke meat and fish products. For this purpose, sawdust or chips of their alder are poured onto the bottom, which can fester for several days, and the lid is hermetically sealed.

Fuel for barbecue

In our country, the most common models are designed for coals that smolder on a special bottom grille, while the upper one is designed for meat. But recently there have appeared gas braziers, to which a balloon is attached. Inside the lower tank there are stones that are heated with a gas burner and already they give their heat for cooking.

From what material to choose a brazier?

Braziers are made of metal of very different thickness, and it is clear to everyone that the thicker it is, the longer the construction will be. In addition, the temperature in the device is distributed more evenly than in the one with a thin wall. Thick-walled braziers are less prone to deformation during operation, which is unavoidable due to temperature differences.

The best choice, but also the most expensive one is a cast-iron BBQ-barbecue. He is not afraid of deformation and corrosion. In addition, the appearance of it remains presentable for many years, whereas ordinary mangals sin to irradiate the paint after several cycles of use.

Care of the barbecue

To enjoy picnics for a long time, you should take care of your assistant. After cooling the bowl, all ash should be removed through a special hole, then grease everything inside with the dish remover for 20 minutes. After time, soot and grease are easily washed off, and the internal surface is wiped dry.

Separate care requires grating. If they are made of ordinary black metal, then moisture is contraindicated. Therefore, after careful cleaning, they should be stored only in a dry room. Lattices in expensive barbecues are made of materials covered with ceramics, and serve much longer.