Caesar Sauce - a classic recipe

The taste of Caesar salad depends more on the properly prepared sauce. A harmonious classical composition will emphasize the taste of each component of the salad and make its taste simply irresistible.

Sauce for Caesar salad with chicken - a classic recipe at home



To prepare the sauce, we need to boil soft-boiled eggs. To do this, we lower the eggs at room temperature into cool water and put them on the stove. One minute after boiling, we remove them from boiling water, alternately break and bury with yolk tea a yolk with protein in a bowl. We beat the egg mass for a couple of minutes with a whisk or a mixer, after which we add the wine vinegar grated garlic clove and pour the Worcesters sauce. We beat the mass for another two minutes, and then start small portions of olive oil without flavor, while not stopping the process of beating the sauce.

After all the oil has been added and whipped in the sauce, season it with ground black pepper and salt and let stand for a few minutes.

Sauce for salad "Caesar" at home - a simple classic recipe with mayonnaise



For those who prepare homemade mayonnaise in three accounts, suggest a recipe for sauce based on it. Of course, you can use the product purchased in the store, but only in extreme cases, if there is absolutely no time or opportunity to cook it yourself at home.

In homemade mayonnaise we introduce a garlic clove, Worcesters sauce and freshly ground pepper, whisk everything a little and can use for salad dressing.

Classic Caesar salad with anchovies



We boil the egg taking into account the recommendations described in the first recipe, after which we scrape it from the shell, mix it in a bowl with mustard and lemon juice and punch it with a blender. Do not stop whipping, we pour olive oil of the first pressing in small portions and sunflower oil without fragrance. The resulting thick sauce, in consistence resembling mayonnaise, is complemented with grated garlic denticles and anchovies. For this, the fillet is washed, dried and minced with a knife. Add the Worcester sauce and pepper, once again we pierce the sauce with a blender and taste it. If salt is not enough, we add salt.

A version of the classic sauce for Caesar salad with anchovies and parmesan cheese



This version of the sauce involves the use of raw egg yolk. It is mixed with Dijon mustard, add a pinch of salt that is not iodized and blend a little with a blender. Now it is necessary to introduce a little olive oil, not stopping at this time to beat.

We fill the resulting mixture with juice with lemon, Worcesters sauce, pepper and ground garlic. We also add parmesan shavings and melenko chopped anchovy fillets and once again we pierce the sauce with a blender.