How to plant gooseberries in the fall?

Gooseberries are considered not very finicky culture, but it's not at all superfluous to find out how to properly plant it so that it spoils you with an excellent crop. If you correctly plant gooseberry and create favorable conditions for it, it can bear fruit to you up to forty years, and from one bush you can shoot up to ten kilograms of berries per season.

Dates of planting gooseberries in autumn

The most favorable time for planting bushes of gooseberries is autumn. Since at this time the root system is very well adapted to gooseberry, it has time to grow stronger well before the onset of cold weather. And in the spring the shrubbery is rapidly developing.

Optimal dates for planting gooseberries in autumn - sometime end of September - early October. Thus it is necessary to be guided by weather: before the beginning of frosts should be not less, than three weeks.

The time for planting is selected so that there is windless, cloudy weather in the street to avoid drying up the roots while they are in the air.

How to plant gooseberries in autumn cuttings?

Planting gooseberries in autumn cuttings is made in a prepared soil, or rather the soil under the planting should be deeply processed and well-fertilized. Cuttings should be planted with a slope of 45 degrees relative to the soil, the distance between the rows should be at least twenty-five centimeters, and in a row not less than fifteen centimeters. This is necessary so that you can later easily loosen the soil.

After planting the cut, two kidneys should remain above the surface of the earth, but so that one of them is at the level with the ground. Be sure to plant the ground firmly at the root of the root so that no voids remain. Then, plenty of watering and composting.

Planting of gooseberry saplings in autumn

If you want to plant gooseberries with a seedling, then you need to dig a pit for the size of the root system, fill 10 kg of humus and 50 grams of double superphosphate and potassium sulfate in each pit. We leave this hole alone for about two weeks.

Next, we take the seedling of gooseberries, put it vertically, spread the roots, water and cover with earth. In this case, make sure that the root collar of the seedling was less than 5 cm below the soil level. We watered again and waited for spring.

If you plant a few bushes, then plant them at a distance of one and a half meters from each other, and the distance between the rows make at least three meters.