How to drink protein?

Protein or protein is the building block of our entire body. No protein can function without a single cell. Considering the fact that we are protein nature - stupid there will be any controversy about the difference in the intake of protein for men and women. Moreover, the number of biochemical reactions occurring in the female body every second is hundreds of times higher than that of men. And for any process, as we said, you need protein.

We will not talk today about the protein for the acquisition of bodybuilding forms, we'll talk about how to drink protein with moderate training, to normalize nutrition, and also during a diet.

The use of protein during a diet

Low-calorie diets are effective in losing weight, but lead to many further consequences. After a short list of useful properties of protein during a low-calorie diet, the question of whether it is possible to drink protein to girls will fall off by itself.

  1. During low-calorie diets, a protein deficiency naturally occurs, and this worsens a whole chain of vital processes: the immune function (antibodies are also a protein), enzymatic, hormonal, in addition, with a lack of protein, the skin loses collagen, becomes flabby, dry and wrinkled.
  2. Enzymes are also proteins, which means that without protein, normal digestion of food, including fat, is impossible. How are you going to burn it?
  3. The body can adapt to anything. When little protein comes from food, it begins to take it to its most important functions (synthesis of hemoglobin, for example) from unimportant places - contractile muscle proteins.
  4. Proteins extend the absorption of carbohydrates, thereby lowering the glycemic index of food, and creating a long-lasting level of sugar in the blood, which relieves sudden bouts of hunger.
  5. Proteins are not prone to deposits in the form of subcutaneous fat.
  6. Proteins are digested 40% longer than fats and carbohydrates, and for their splitting the body spends additional energy.

After such a list, it would be obvious to explain how to drink protein in order to lose weight effectively.

Protein intake

Protein - a sports nutrition, consisting of protein in its pure form. But protein is a protein different, and proteins can also be slow and fast. Slow proteins are absorbed and nourished for a long time, fast ones are easily digested and saved from the post of training muscle destruction. Slow protein is casein, fast is whey protein. Repeated studies have shown that slow protein better speeds fat burning than fast.

Time of receipt

Before talking about when to drink protein, let's talk about the basic rules of admission.

  1. The caloric content of the protein is taken into account in the total calorie content of the daily ration.
  2. One serving of protein is 30 grams, i.e. 1 scoop.
  3. The necessary amount of protein per 1 kg of body weight - 2 g / kg. Admission of more does not improve muscle growth or the process of losing weight, excess protein is split as a source of energy. The products of disintegration, formed as a result, will give a heavy load to the liver and kidneys.
  4. Protein supplements can be taken every day from 1 to 5 times.

The most important time for protein intake is after training (after 1 hour), and also before bedtime. In addition, the protein can be taken before classes (preferably whey protein, which is easily digested), and between meals, or when you do not have the opportunity to eat fully.


Protein - this is protein, the question of whether it is harmful to drink protein answer the question - is it harmful to consume protein. But, as is known, excesses harm, and the protein in excessive doses inflicts a strong blow to the kidneys.

Do not believe advertisers who claim that the more you consume protein, the sooner you lose weight or gain muscle mass. There is a norm - 2 g per kilogram, and how many studies on this topic have not been conducted, the effectiveness of the increased dose has not been proven.

It will help your kidneys to safely remove protein decay products with a high intake of fluids - with a protein diet and with sports nutrition , a daily requirement for water of at least 2 liters.