Bed in the wall

Embedded furniture in a house or apartment is not only one way to rationally use the entire area of ​​a room. Sometimes it is necessary to combine several functions in one room: a living room and a bedroom, an office and a rest room. In a word, it is possible to place a sleeper as imperceptibly as possible only by embedding it in furniture and a wall. At what folding beds in a wall meet less often, but in practice they appear not less practical.

What kind of bed can there be that retracts into the wall?

Most likely, you met such an option in houses or apartments, where there are all kinds of niches and alcoves. Indeed, to fit a bed in a wall under such conditions is much easier.

If there is a sufficiently wide niche, then a single or one-and-a-half bed sometimes begs for itself. Less common are the options with a double bed in the wall, but this is more suitable for a home. In this version, the bed is literally hidden, built into the wall, it is fenced off with curtains, sliding doors or simply closes like a cabinet. This option will be higher than an ordinary bed, but inside it will turn out a very cozy and protected from all directions corner.

A similar type of bed, retractable into the wall, is suitable for an apartment with an alcove. But now it is much more rational not to separate the whole piece of the room, but to build in the sleeping place with the help of a sliding mechanism. By the method of construction of gypsum board structures, the upper part is designed as an open rack, and in the lower part folding beds are used in the wall in a horizontal position, which are pushed in the afternoon under the rack, and are pulled out in the evening. But it will be convenient only for a single model.

When you need to fit into the wall full double built-in beds , usually use lifting gear. The principle completely coincides with the integration in the cabinet. Only now you just use an alcove or a niche, and everything is fixed directly to the wall. From the bottom of such a bed, retractable into the wall, turns into a false cabinet or simply a decorative panel.