Adaptogens of plant origin

Despite the fact that sport is incredibly useful for health and movement is life, excessive physical activity still makes its own adjustments. Because of this, there are often various functional shifts in the work of internal organs, to which the adaptogens of plant origin are called. As a rule, it is the various phytopreparations, beekeeping products, mummies and other natural medicines that allow normalizing the work of internal organs and solving pop-up problems.

Adaptogens in sports

As a rule, plant adaptogens are recommended not only for training and competition, but also for periods of rest from heavy loads - this will help to maintain the normal state of all body systems.

Despite the fact that the use of such drugs as adaptogens, as a rule, there are no side effects, it is still necessary to adhere to certain prescriptions:

  1. Self-medication can not be done! Any adaptogens of animal and plant origin should be used only on the recommendation of a sports doctor, which he can give after a complete examination.
  2. If you use phytopreparations, it is important to follow a healthy regimen and give up harmful habits. Only in this case, you can expect that the drug will act in full force.
  3. Sometimes when using adaptogens, there are intestinal disorders that need to be regulated by adding one of the kinds of components - either with a laxative effect or with a fixative (depending on the desired effect).
  4. In the case of treatment of diseases, it becomes necessary to increase the dosage, since natural agents act very gently and it will take a long time to achieve the effect at the usual dosage.

Such use of adaptogens will allow you to help the body with natural remedies and easily overcome all current difficulties.

Effect of adaptogens on the body

It's no secret that adaptogens influence the body in the most positive way: they tone up, stimulate, and give strength. There are three types of adaptogens, based on their origin: plant, mineral and animals. It is against the background of general fatigue that their effect is particularly pronounced.

Adaptogens of plant origin have a number of advantages: they are not toxic, they are used in a variety of cases, and they are not addictive. Incidentally, they are used not only by those who are overworked physically, but also by people who have heavy mental work, as they generally improve their tone and physical performance, resistance to unfavorable external environment and negative influences.

How to take adaptogens?

Despite the fact that in eastern medicine, plant remedies are the basis and have long been proven effective, many limited physicians of the Western world still refuse to take them seriously. Nevertheless, you need to treat such drugs no less seriously than to regular tablets: you do not drink everything from your medicine cabinet and consult a doctor to find out what medicine you should drink. No less attentive attitude requires natural resources.

We offer exemplary schemes of taking adaptogens - it is in this form that they are usually prescribed by doctors:

  1. Tincture of ginseng (drink 30-40 minutes before meals 10-15 drops twice or thrice a day for 2-3 weeks).
  2. Extract eleutherococcus (drink 30-40 minutes before meals for 30-40 drops 1-2 times a day for 2-3 weeks).
  3. Rhodiola rosea extract (drink 15-20 minutes before meals 7-10 drops 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks).

Determine the choice of adaptogen will help you doctor. Do not use such tools uncontrollably.