Exudative erythema

Exudative polymorphous (polymorphic) erythema is an acute inflammatory lesion of the skin or mucous membranes, which can be recurrent. Most often this disease occurs in children and in people of young and middle age.

Causes of exudative erythema

There are two forms of the disease depending on the origin:

Symptoms of exudative erythema

The disease is characterized by the appearance of small pink, slightly rashes above the skin, which rapidly increase in size (up to 5 cm in diameter) and in quantity, can merge. Eruptions (spots or papules) are accompanied by a burning sensation or itching, and after 2 - 3 days they change, - the central part sinks and becomes bluish, and the peripheral remains bright pink. Next appear bubbles with serous contents, which after 2 - 3 weeks dry up, forming crusts. The rash begins to disappear after 4 to 10 days from the time of formation, leaving pigmentation.

Most often, rashes appear on the extensor surfaces of the limbs, palms, soles, genitals. They can occur on the lips, tongue, mucous membrane of the mouth, as well as on the skin and mucous membranes at the same time.

The disease can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, headache and muscle pain.

Malignant exudative erythema

There is a malignant form of polymorphic exudative erythema - Stevens-Johnson syndrome. In fact, malignant erythema is an allergic reaction of an immediate type as a result of intoxication of the body. In this case, rashes appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, eyes, genitals, other areas of the skin and mucous membranes. This form of the disease is accompanied by severe fever, pain in the muscles and joints, diarrhea . It is very difficult to damage the skin and mucous membranes - with the formation of bleeding erosions.

Treatment of exudative erythema

Treatment of the disease involves: