Removal of hyacinths at home

It's no secret that with the onset of winter cold, many of us are beginning to desperately yearn for the heat and bright colors. But even in the most severe cold you can give yourself a piece of spring. For this you need not so much - a small bulb of hyacinth . In the subtleties of distillation of hyacinths, for example, by the New Year or another holiday at home, we will understand today.

Step 1 - choose the method of forcing

It is possible to dig out hyacinths at home in two ways: water and "potted". For the first, you need a container of this diameter, so that the bulb does not fall into it, but touches the water only at the bottom. For landing in the ground, you can use any sufficiently deep containers: pots, boxes, plastic cups. The main thing is that the bulbs planted in them do not touch each other, or the walls of the pot. In determining the time of planting, we are guided by the consideration that an average of 3 months passes from it to the blossoming of flowers.

Step 2 - prepare the planting material

It does not matter whether you are going to cultivate hyacinths in a pot or you prefer to do it in water, only large (at least 5 cm in girth) bulbs are suitable for winter forcing. Will not prevent them and an additional visual inspection - the bulbs should be even, whole and have no visible signs of spoilage. This is especially true for hyacinths, which will be grown in water, because such a method greatly depletes the bulb. Seed from your own bed requires pre-exposure in a cool dark place for at least 4 weeks. Bulbs from the store this stage has already passed before the sale, so there is no need to additionally temper them.

Step 3 - outbreak of hyacinths

When all the necessary will be prepared, go to the process of distillation. Plant the bulbs in loose nutrient soil or place in a container filled with clean water, best of all snow. At the bottom of the pot, do not forget to pre-lay a solid layer of drainage. Then put a pot or jar with a hyacinth in a cold (no more than +7 degrees) shaded area. Coolness and darkness will serve as a catalyst for the rapid development of the root system. Periodically moisten the soil in a pot or add water to the jar. With proper care, after about 4-6 weeks from the bulb flower sprouts and leaves, after which the hyacinth can be safely rearranged to the window sill. Water in the pot can then be replaced with a weak solution of complex fertilizer.