What is the use of the oak bark for the skin inside?

Not everyone knows that the bark of a young oak is as useful as possible, and it is best to harvest it until the appearance of leaves on the tree, that is, in early spring, when the sap flow begins. Then the bark is removed best. Then the bark is cut into small strips and dried. Keep the healing bark should be in paper bags.

In current medicine, the oak bark extract is used. In folk medicine, decoctions, infusions, ointments are used.

What is the use of oak bark for the skin?

In addition to the medical use of oak bark, people use its unique properties for cosmetic purposes, prepare decoctions, infusions and lotions.

Here's how oak bark for face skin is useful:

The composition of the bark of oak

The healing properties of the oak bark are due to the fact that it is part of its medicinal composition:

Thanks to this rich composition, the decoction of the oak bark treats many diseases:

How and in what cases to take the bark of oak inside?

To apply the oak bark inside, you must prepare a decoction or infusion. Cooking them is very simple:

Recipe # 1



Fill the oak bark with boiling water. We let it brew for 1 hour, and you can take it.

Recipe # 2



Fill the bark of oak with steep boiling water. Then boil on a quiet fire for 10 minutes.

Drink the product you need 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

Recipe # 3



Oak bark is filled with boiling water. We boil for half an hour. Then leave for 30 minutes. Filter.

Take the drug should be a glass 3 times a day for 3 days. If you drink longer, you may start constipation.

Recipe # 4



Oak bark pour cold boiled water. We insist 6-8 hours. Then carefully filter through several layers of gauze. Before drinking, heat the infusion and take 1/2 cup three times a day after meals.

It is necessary to know that you can not take a decoction of the oak bark inside:

The course of treatment should not be more than two weeks. Overdose can cause vomiting. It is necessary to take care with caution for pregnant women.