Thrombocytes lowered

One of the important elements that affect the coagulability of the blood and the rate of healing of damages are considered to be platelets. These components of the biological fluid should be contained in an amount of 160-320 thousand units per 1 ml of blood. If platelets are lowered, thrombocytopenia is diagnosed, which causes deterioration in the properties of coagulability and increased fragility of small and large vessels, capillaries.

Causes of a low platelet count in the blood

The main factors provoking thrombocytopenia:

If the platelets are lowered in a pregnant woman, the reasons can be in iron deficiency anemia. Also, this condition occurs during menstruation, especially with abundant discharge and amenorrhea.

Clinical manifestations if the average platelet count is lowered

Moderate and mild degree of thrombocytopenia occurs without any noticeable signs, and it is possible to diagnose the disease only when performing a biochemical blood test.

Less often you can independently identify that the platelets are lowered - the symptoms are as follows:

When observing the above signs it is worthwhile to turn to a hematologist and perform a number of laboratory tests.

How to treat lowered platelets in the blood?

In most cases, special therapy is not required, it will only be enough to adjust the diet. The diet should be enriched with such products:

At the same time, it is recommended to refrain from using various pickles, marinades, alcohol, spices.

In severe thrombocytopenia caused by serious pathologies, it is necessary, first of all, to treat the cause of the syndrome. Depending on the diagnosis, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroid hormones, folic acid preparations are prescribed.

Also, sometimes blood transfusion (plasma) and even surgical interventions (spleen removal, bone marrow transplantation) are required.

It is worth noting that for severe autoimmune diseases, as well as viral pathologies (HIV, chronic hepatitis C, systemic lupus erythematosus) treatment is long-term or lifelong.