What flowers are planted in February for seedlings?

In February, the planters begin their sowing season. It is time to plant the seedlings with flower crops with a long growing season. Let's find out which flowers are planted in seedlings in February, in time to make everything on time.

What flowers are planted in seedlings in February?

The most common flower crops have a long growing season, so early sowing is simply necessary if you want to enjoy their flowering in the summer.

So, among the annual flowers in February, the seeds are planted on seedlings: lobelia, petunias, begonias, verbena, cloves of shabo, cineraria.

Among the perennial flowers that are planted in seedlings in February: pansies, daisies, violas, lupins, dolphinum, chrysanthemums and primroses.

The rules of winter sowing of flower crops

Annual flowers:

  1. Lobelia : very delicate and fragile flower. It is recommended to sow several seeds in one seed pot for a lush bush.
  2. Petunia : it has very small seeds, therefore it is necessary to sow them superficially, after moistening it from the nebulizer and covering it with film or glass until sprouts appear.
  3. Begonia : in some sources it is recommended to sow it in January, but in this case it needs to be refreshed. Seed sowing is superficial, with obligatory covering with a film or glass.
  4. Verbena : the seeds are large, because they are slightly buried in the soil. However, you can leave them on the surface, but then cover the container with film or glass. When virgin seeds germinate, darkness is necessary.
  5. Carnation shabo : seeds are sown superficially with a cover, before landing in the open ground requires repeated diving, until the seedlings begin to be bitten.
  6. Cineraria : the seeds are slightly buried and covered with a film. By June, the plant will turn into beautiful silvery bushes.

We pass to perennials, remembering which flowers they plant in seedlings in February:

  • Pansies and violas : despite the fact that their seeds are small, they need to be slightly damped when planting. By the end of July, the first flowers will appear.
  • Daisies : when planted in February, flowering will begin in September. However, with arid summer of flowers, you can not even wait.
  • Lupine : before planting seeds, they need to be soaked for a day, then cover by 5-8 mm. They do not tolerate a transplant, so it's better to plant seeds in peat pots.
  • Dolphin : very rare seeds, when planted in February, flowering can be seen by the end of summer.
  • Chrysanthemums : planting seeds in February guarantees a good wintering of the plant. Blossom chrysanthemum may already in the first year of sowing.
  • Primrose : sowing superficial under glass. Seedlings need to be slightly shaded. Flowering can begin already in September of the first year.