Toxocarosis in adults - symptoms and treatment

Symptoms appear and treatment of toxocarias in adults is required if toxocar infection occurs. More clearly, this is a helminthic invasion. Toksokary are worms that can reach 4 to 18 centimeters in length. In its main characteristics, the parasite is very similar to human ascarids. And although toxocarans mostly live in the organisms of dogs and cats, they get to the person from time to time.

Causes of toxocariasis in adults

The main source of infection - dogs that can spread eggs of worms with feces and wool. Sometimes the source of the infection may be in water or on unprocessed food. Penetrating into the human body, parasites sign a death sentence. They can not reproduce here, therefore people infected with toxocarosis do not present danger to others.

The likelihood that treatment of toxocarias in adults in certain categories will be required. These include:

Symptoms of toxocariasis in adults

How the disease manifests itself depends on various factors: the intensity of infection, the place of concentration of parasites, the characteristics of the human immune system. The main signs of the disease from other parasitic infestations differ little. In general, the disease is severe and for a long period, and to know about yourself gives suddenly.

Most often, patients have to think about how to cure an adult skin toxoxosis. It can be confused with allergies, because the disease manifests as redness, itching, rashes, swelling and eczema that occur on the route of worms.

Visceral form is more common in children. It is diagnosed when too many parasites accumulate in the body. Characteristic for this variety of symptoms:

It is necessary to think over the scheme of treatment of eye toxocarias in adults when there are such signs as:

Than to treat toxocarosis in adults?

Unfortunately, it has not been possible to develop an ideal therapy for the fight against toxocarcas so far. All existing methods are good in their own way, but they are far from perfect.

Most often during treatment apply:

Dosages and duration of medication for each patient is determined on an individual basis.

Treatment of toxocariasis in adults with folk remedies

It is important to understand that any folk remedies can only alleviate the patient's condition, but they can not cope with helminthic invasion. Therefore, the use of alternative recipes is recommended only in parallel with the main therapy of the disease:

  1. Well proven in worm enemas from a mixture of garlic and milk.
  2. Useful seeds of wormwood, mixed with honey. Eat a tablespoon of them is recommended in between meals.
  3. Good results show decoction of tansy. It can both be taken orally, and used as a fluid for enemas.
  4. Positive changes can be achieved and if you regularly take infusion on the bark of ash on an empty stomach.