Syphilis is curable?

Syphilis is one of the most dangerous venereal diseases. The activity of bacteria causing it by treponem, related to spirochaetes, leads to severe consequences, among which one can call damage to the skin, nervous system, liver, blood vessels and heart.

The infected person, of course, first of all worries the question, whether it is possible to cure syphilis?

If the tests indicate the presence of the disease, then the treatment should begin immediately. And, the most comforting, syphilis is one of the few diseases that is almost completely curable.

How to cure syphilis?

There are several schemes of drug treatment, and their application to each individual patient depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. As a rule, it is necessary to repeatedly introduce antibacterial drugs with subsequent laboratory control. A detailed treatment plan is made by a venereologist.

Can we cure syphilis completely?

Unlike insidious viruses, pale treponema was and remains sensitive to normal penicillin. This means that syphilis can be cured with antibiotics.

So, the proofs of the curability of this disease are the following facts:

But whether we cure syphilis completely, is a controversial issue. There are isolated cases when the serological response to syphilis remains positive even for several years after the cure. This is due, firstly, to the individual characteristics of the patient, secondly, the transition of the disease under the influence of drugs into an inactive form and, thirdly, to malfunctions in the functioning of the immune system, when the formation of antibodies is disrupted.

But we should always remember that immunity to syphilis does not exist. This means that even after recovery, they can again become infected.