Dyslexia - treatment

Dyslexia is a partial violation of the process of reading, due to unformed higher mental functions. It manifests itself in persistently recurring errors when reading and misunderstanding the read. Violation can occur in people who do not suffer from any deviation in intellectual or physical development, without hearing and visual impairment. Often children who are diagnosed with dyslexia, on the contrary, show amazing talents in other areas of activity. That is why it is called the disease of geniuses. Outstanding scientists Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison suffered from this disease.

There are two possible causes of dyslexia:

Often parents of children with dyslexia remember the difficulties of reading in childhood, this confirms the theory about the genetic basis of this disease. In addition, the synchronous operation of both hemispheres of the brain is observed in children.

Classification of dyslexia

It is based on various criteria. Depending on the types of its manifestations, they separate the verbal and the literal. Literal dyslexia can be manifested in the inability or difficulty of mastering letters. Verbal - in the difficulties of reading words.

There is also a classification of reading disorders depending on the primary violation. It can be acoustic, optical and motor. With an acoustic form, the hearing system is undifferentiated, in the case of optical dyslexia, instability of perception and representations, while in motor dysfunction, the relationship between the auditory and visual analyzer is disrupted.

Also, there is a classification of reading disorders, depending on the nature of violations of higher mental functions. Following these criteria, speech therapists identified the following types of dyslexia:

  1. Phonemic dyslexia. This form is associated with the underdevelopment of the functions of the phonemic system. It is difficult for a child to distinguish the similar in phonetic sound letters in words (a scythe-goat, a tom-house). Also they are characterized by letter-by-step reading and permutation, omission or replacement of letters.
  2. Semantic dyslexia (mechanical reading). It manifests itself in the difficulties of understanding what has been read, although reading is technically correct. This may be due to the fact that words in the reading process are perceived in isolation, outside of the connection with other words
  3. Mystical dyslexia. This form is manifested in the difficulty of learning letters, in a misunderstanding which letter corresponds to a particular sound.
  4. Optical dyslexia. There is a problem in the assimilation and mixing of graphically similar letters (B-C, G-T).
  5. Agramatic dyslexia. There is an inherent misinterpretation in the number, case and gender of words and phrases.

To determine whether the child has a predisposition to this disease can be in 5 years. If any, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures for the prevention of dyslexia. The correct approach to the learning process, monitoring the development of the child and psychological and pedagogical assistance, allow to avoid the development of the disease.

If the child shows all the signs of dyslexia, it is necessary to start treatment.

There are various programs for the treatment of dyslexia. This is a non-medicamentous effect aimed at correcting the educational process. It includes the training of cognitive functions and the reinforcement of proper reading skills. Also, noticeable results in the treatment of dyslexia can give corrective exercises. These exercises can be aimed at the development of phonemic and visual perception, visual analysis and synthesis, the formation of spatial representations, the expansion and activation of the vocabulary.

Thus, the elimination of dyslexia requires differential treatment. The method of its elimination is based on the nature of the disorders, manifestations of disorders and their mechanisms.