How to choose videos for children and adults?

Not all freeskaters know how to choose videos so that the foot does not get tired and skating brings real pleasure. The number of different species is as high as the styles of skiing and therefore it is not possible to buy the ideal variant from the first time. What do you need to know about this sport inventory?

How to choose videos for beginners?

It's never too late to start playing any kind of sport and roller-skating can be an excellent option. How to choose good videos so that even the first trips were treated without falls and serious injuries?

  1. Buy shoes in size. In the process of socks, the inner space of the boot may increase, but this slight difference can be compensated for by a more dense toe.
  2. Feel free to try on, the leg can feel comfortable in the twentieth pair.
  3. Do not buy them because of the beautiful appearance.
  4. Pay attention to well-known and proven manufacturers, Chinese - non-professional will not give normal development in this sport .

Information on how to choose the first rollers, you need to start to collect from some parameters, for example - the rigidity of the wheels, which should be a small diameter - to perform tricks and great for walking. The density of the wheel affects:

How to choose videos for an adult?

The last several decades, this kind of sports recreation has become very popular with adults. In order for this to be not only pleasant, but also useful, you should know how to choose the right videos for an adult person. After defining the style of riding, you can go to the store and be sure to pay attention to:

You can protect yourself from useless waste of money and refuse options with plastic bearings. They can attract low price, but it will not be comfortable and even painful to ride them. For inexperienced, it is better to choose a large wheel size, they will provide better grip on the road. If there is a desire to learn tricks and jumps, small wheels will be preferable. Knowing how to choose the videos correctly, you can even significantly improve the body.

How to choose the videos by size?

It is very important to choose the correct size of the rollers, because this factor affects the skating by 50%. The maximum fusion with the foot will ensure a positive effect on the entire body and significantly reduce the incidence at the initial level. You should listen to the advice of experienced athletes and carry them out.

  1. When fitting, fully unlock the boot.
  2. Putting your shoes on your leg, you need to put them on the rear wheel and tightly press the heel. If the toes touch the toe, then this is a suitable option.
  3. Be sure to ride them on the store and "listen" to the sensations of the feet.
  4. Try it on with a high thin toe.

How to choose videos for a teenager?

In adolescence, there are often ideas to start practicing different kinds of sports, and in 80% of cases it will not take long. You need to know which videos to choose so that the child can skate correctly, and the price does not hit your pocket. The leg of the girls slows their growth in 14 - 15 years, but the boys are closer to 18 and therefore it is advised for the guys to take the sliding models, to save the budget.

You can not rush to choose and grab the first ones. For adolescents, follow the rules:

How to choose videos for a child?

According to statistics, roller skating is considered a safer sport than even a bicycle, and therefore many parents give their preference to him. Experts know how to choose videos for the child and which firms to give their preference:

These manufacturers have already proven themselves on the good side, providing additional safety against possible injuries. Almost 50% of children's models are made sliding, for longer use. What kind of videos to choose for a child and with what requirements should they be?

  1. Convenience.
  2. Fixation of the leg (preferably rigid).
  3. Stability.
  4. Weight skates.
  5. Diameter of wheels.

How to choose the size of the videos for the child?

Almost all the conditions mentioned above, are suitable for how to choose the size of the clips for children. If you do not want to take a sliding model, you should pay attention to: