Endometriosis of the cervix - treatment

Until now, the exact cause of the appearance of endometrial pathology has not been determined, when it spreads beyond the uterus, leading to the development of endometriosis. Endometrial cells can be localized both outside the uterus, and in its thickness, on the outer layer and in the cervical region.

What is endometriosis of the cervix and how does it appear?

Endometriosis is associated with changes in the body of a woman's hormonal background during the menstrual cycle. Also in its development play the role of heredity, disruption of the immune and endocrine systems. Provoke endometriosis can erosion , cervical injury, obtained with various medical interventions, as well as postpartum trauma.

How to treat endometriosis of the cervix?

Endometriosis of the cervix is ​​subjected primarily to hormonal treatment. It is necessary to suppress hyperestrogenism in the body. Drugs prescribed for therapy should contain gestogen components. The most commonly used non-oblong, Norkolut, Triziston, Miniziston. In parallel, it is necessary to suppress the menstrual function of the ovaries. To do this, appoint Gonozol.

In addition, anti-inflammatory therapy is indicated. It includes a number of measures that help cope with the disease, namely: the use of resorptive drugs, antioxidant therapy, hyperbaric oxygenation (pressure chamber), stimulation of immunity, physical therapy. In case of ineffectiveness of the two methods of treatment, it is necessary to conduct an operative intervention and then treatment aimed at preventing relapses.

In the presence of the symptomatic nature of the disease, cauterization of the cervical endometriosis using cryotherapy or electrocoagulation is used. Depending on the scale of the lesion, various types of surgical interventions are used. Patients who have performed the function of childbearing and experiencing severe pain in the pelvic region may undergo hysterectomy.