Birth on week 37

Childbirth at 37 weeks of gestation is not a danger to the baby. By this time he is completely ready to be born. Born at 37 weeks, the child is considered full, and childbirth at 37-38 weeks is considered urgent.

What should I do if amniotic fluid flows in week 37?

Leakage of amniotic fluid is associated with premature rupture of membranes (PRE). Today in obstetrics this is the most basic problem. If this situation develops before the thirty-seventh week, this can have bad consequences, and in some cases, even lead to perinatal death.

Pregnant women who were found to have leakage of amniotic fluid are observed in the hospital. In this case, a thorough sanitation of the vagina is carried out and the condition of the baby is monitored. Stimulation of labor is prescribed only if the child's condition worsens.

Leakage of water can occur unnoticed. This can be a dropping discharge, the number of which increases when the child changes position. The signs of this pathology include an increase in discharge from the vagina, their frequency and abundance. Allocations become more watery.

Self-determination of leakage can be done with a litmus strip. The acidic environment of the vagina in this case becomes more neutral. But this method does not give a 100% result. Violation of acidity can infection, sperm or urine.

If a PPRS is suspected, you should immediately contact your doctor and report the situation. If the diagnosis was made on time, in later terms this is not the norm, but it does not pose a serious danger.

Causes of Cesarean section at 37 weeks of gestation

About ten percent of births in 36-37 weeks are performed by cesarean section. The following circumstances can influence the adoption of such a decision:

Cesarean section at 37 weeks of pregnancy is necessary in cases where there are explicit indications or signs of childbirth.

The child was born on the 37th week

There is nothing to worry about if you treat those who gave birth at 37 weeks. The weight of the child to this period can already be up to 2800 grams, and growth - up to forty-eight centimeters.

Before giving birth, moms often suffer from insomnia, this is due to unrest and stress. If before the future mother experienced how her pregnancy would be resolved, then closer to the thirty-seventh week she gets used to these thoughts and the birth becomes welcome.

With the expectation of twins, labor activity on the thirty-seventh week may begin at any time. At this time, women can be advised to go to the hospital to monitor her condition and not miss the onset of labor. According to statistics, the fourth part of the twins are born on the thirty-second week, and more than half of the multiple pregnancies with twins - on the thirty-seventh.

On the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy, a woman should concentrate completely on herself and the baby. One should listen to the child's movements, observe the position of the abdomen, which is lowered closer to birth. In this period, it is desirable that someone is always with you. If necessary, you will need to help to call an ambulance and get to the car. Try not to miss a single movement of the baby and remember these feelings. Soon you will miss them!