Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher will have a son

Ubiquitous insiders were able to find out the sex of the future child of Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher, who should soon be born, write foreign media. The daughter of the actors Wyatt will have a little brother.

What is known for sure?

According to forecasts, next month Mila Kunis will become a mother for the second time, giving her husband Ashton Kutcher another child. Mila is fine and does not sit at home. Yesterday, reporters photographed Kunis near one of the stores in Los Angeles. The future mummy, preparing for the forthcoming birth, does not forget about her eldest daughter. The fact is that this Saturday Wyatt will be two years old and her stellar parent bought up half the store, preparing for the holiday.

Based on the results of ultrasound

Meanwhile, a source closely acquainted with Kunis told the media that she and her husband already know the sex of the child who is wearing Mila under the heart. To the great joy of the couple, and especially of Ashton, they will have a son.

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The couple were not upset if it was a daughter, but Kutcher, who, despite his childish age, adores playing cars and shooting games, secretly hoped that it was a boy, and ultrasound had recently confirmed it. Ashton is sure that there will be a special connection between him and his heir.