Foot fungus - treatment

The trend is that most of the effort to improve the appearance we spend on facial care, leaving for later those parts of the body that are hidden under the clothes. On the condition of the feet, often women do not pay attention to something secondary (although, do you know that it was beautiful - though big ones - that made the feet known to Uma Thurman when they attracted the attention of Quentin Tarantino, who was looking for the actress for the film "Pulp Fiction" ?). And do not even always notice when the first signs of a beginning fungus appear on the foot.

About what symptoms are signaled about the foot fungus, and what treatment to choose to get rid of it, we'll talk below.

Signs of foot fungus

If you decide to see photos of the foot fungus, then for sure you will be horrified by what you saw. Bleeding cracks, flaking of the skin and deformation of the nails - all this is the result of neglected cases. In order not to see such a live, it is important to recognize the symptoms of the beginning foot fungus in time to undergo an effective treatment. So, what does the foot fungus look like at the initial stage:

In addition, there are two types of fungus: feet and nails. The foot fungus can also affect the nail: you notice the fragility, in the future the nail turns yellow, thickens and dies.

How to get rid of foot fungus?

Even if you have fixed the disease at the initial stage, the treatment of the foot fungus is not a quick thing. If you follow all the recommendations of a doctor, you will need at least a month (nail fungus, as a rule, requires an even longer treatment). Effective treatment of foot fungus will appoint a doctor who will determine the extent of the lesion and the sensitivity of the fungus to medicinal products. Perhaps you will be prescribed medication for oral administration: Lamisil in tablet, Orungal, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to apply special remedies against the foot fungus: Lamisil (in the form of a cream, gel or spray), Nizoral, Exoderyl (cream or solution). If the scales already appear on the soles of the feet, they must first be removed with salicylic petrolatum (applied 2 times a day), so that the medicines penetrate better inside.

Of course, there are folk remedies for foot fungus:

Do not forget to treat old shoes with special means to kill the spores of the fungus and do not become infected again!

And yet, the best remedy for foot fungus is prevention: