Exercises after caesarean section

Every woman dreams of quickly recovering from childbirth. If the process of the appearance of the baby was natural, the return to the former forms occurs without requiring much effort. If the birth has been performed with the help of an operative intervention, my mother has a lot of questions. Is exercise permitted after cesarean section? When to start exercises for the stomach after cesarean? What exercises can be done after cesarean section?

Physical exercises after cesarean section - when and how?

Most moms are concerned about the speedy restoration of the abdomen and figures after Caesarean section : stretched skin and muscles, pain in the seam area - all this gives the woman a lot of anxiety. However, doctors warn: to actively engage in exercises after cesarean section is not necessary in the first six months after the operation. The fact is that it is during this period that the damaged tissues are damaged and the scar is formed on the uterus at the site of the suture after the cesarean section . With active physical exertion, there may be a discrepancy in the postoperative suture or the formation of an inferior scar. Therefore, intensive exercises for the press or for weight loss after cesarean during this period are unacceptable.

In addition, before you engage in physical. exercises after cesarean, it is necessary to consult with the observing doctor and undergo an ultrasound examination. During classes, be guided by your feelings: if you are tired or there is pain, stop the exercises and relax. When vaginal discharge appears, consult a doctor immediately.

Complex of exercises after cesarean section

Exercise 1

The initial position of a woman for the performance of exercise number 1: lying on her back, arms stretched along the trunk.

Exercise: spread your arms to the sides and on inhale lift up. Join the palms over your head and on exhalation the connected hands, bending at the elbows, lower along the trunk. Repeat the exercise 4-8 times at a slow pace. Watch your hands: when lifting, throw your head slightly, when tilting, tilt your head forward.

Exercise 2

The initial position of a woman for performing exercise number 2: lying on her back, arms stretched along the trunk.

Exercise: bend your knees and exhale, pull them to the basin, without lifting your feet off the floor. Inhale straighten your legs. Repeat the exercise at an average pace 4-5 times. If you easily cope with the load, complicate the exercise: pull the hips to the stomach.

Exercise 3

The initial position of a woman for performing exercise number 3: lying on her back, arms stretched along the trunk.

Exercise: bend your knees at a right angle, without lifting your feet off the floor. On inhalation, slowly lift the pelvis, leaning on the head, shoulder girdle and feet, pull in the anus. Relax when exhaling. Repeat 4-5 times. To complicate the exercise, you can divorce your knees in the sides when lifting the pelvis.

Exercise 4

The initial position of a woman to perform exercise number 4: lying on her back, her hands are under her head.

Exercise: slowly lift the legs, bent at the right angle of the knees, spread the knees and connect the feet (exhale). On inspiration, go back to the starting position, pulling in the anus. Repeat 4-5 times.

Exercise 5

The initial position of a woman for performing exercise number 5: lying on her back, arms stretched along the trunk.

Exercise: take turns pulling your legs to the basin, without taking your feet off the floor. Breathe smoothly, the tempo is medium. In the first days, perform the exercise 10 seconds, in the following - gradually increase the run time to 20 seconds. You can complicate the exercise by pulling your legs to your stomach and lifting them up (steps through the air).

Exercise 6

The initial position of a woman for performing exercise number 6: lying on her stomach, legs bent at the knee joints.

Exercise: actively bend and unbend your toes, do, better at the same time, circular movements with your feet. Do the exercises at an average pace. In the first days after the beginning of the exercise the exercise is done within 10 seconds, in the following - within 20 seconds.

Exercise 7

The initial position of the woman for the performance of exercise number 7: lying on her stomach, stretch the legs, arms join in the hands, the elbows spread apart, the chin rests against the hands.

Exercise: on inhalation, without changing the position of the hands, slowly lift the head and upper body. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times.

Carrying out the listed exercises periodically, and not from time to time, you can achieve good results in terms of restoring the figure after delivery. The main thing - do not forget about the cautious attitude to yourself, so as not to cause harm.