Jennifer Garner told about education and her fear of social networks

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are loving parents and, whenever possible, spend their free time with children. Journalists even suggest that it is the daughter and son, in spite of the divorce initiated, that are the link in the relationship of the stellar couple.

Jennifer and Ben worked out for their children - 4-year-old Samuel, 7-year-old Serafina and 10-year-old Violet - clear educational standards, which they try to follow rigorously.

Development of empathy in children as a norm of education

One of the important educational norms in the family is the development of empathy. The future adult, according to Garner, should understand and realize the importance of mutual assistance, caring for the neighbor:

I make every effort to show my best qualities in children. They not only observe me, but also learn to do good deeds.
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Tenderness to the upbringing of three children is expressed in the manifestation of care in person for each of them:

I try to pay attention to each of my children, to devote time to him personally - this ritual can be broken if I am away from them. Like any working mom, I feel that growing up of my children is slipping away from me, but when I'm around, I catch up with joint walks and rest.

A categorical ban on social networks

Jennifer maximally protects children from gadgets and the more so social networks. The ban gives its fruit, at home there is only a laptop for doing homework by the eldest daughter of Violet. She has not shown interest in social networks yet, but now the actress is in a panic and is looking for a way to solve the possible enthusiasm.

Excessive care surprises others, but also causes respect. 44-year-old actress is considered ideal among Hollywood mothers and continues to inspire others on the way of moral development of their children.