How do stars grow thin?

When you recall the stars of the "high flight", the first association is their immaculate figures, without exception. Some envy and between "spitting poison" claim: "they would pay me so much money ...", or "I would have so much time for myself ...", and those that are smarter, just try to take an example and find out how the stars really grow thin .


It would seem that the easiest way to find out how the show business stars lose weight is to ask them about it. Millions of interviews have been recorded, thousands of programs have been filmed about the ways to lose weight of stars, but no woman, and even more so a star, will never tell her true secrets of beauty. There are only guesses and testimonies of "eyewitnesses". Thus, rumors reach our ears that Jennifer Aniston prefers the Atkins diet , Jennifer Lopez is losing weight according to the system of Professor Perikone, and Heidi Klum grows thin on sauerkraut. Let's take a closer look at the topic of how thin the stars and what is the ideal celebrity diet.

Jennifer Aniston, Renee Zellweger and Britney Spears

So, representatives of the Hollywood beau monde prefer a low-carb diet , arguing that the consumption of carbohydrates stimulates the production of insulin and, accordingly, increases the feeling of hunger. The amount of carbohydrates consumed by them is 15-60 g, this weight can include bread and pasta, but not white flour. And, as for fat and protein, there are no restrictions.

Heidi Klum and Jennifer Lopez

Combines the diets of these two dives by eliminating foods that trap water in the body. Their consumption leads to puffiness, which means we exclude: various fast food, smoked products, pickles, sodas and deep-fried fries.

Domestic stars

Perhaps, some are interested in knowing how Russian stars lose weight, because it would be much easier to match their nutrition than to look for analogies from overseas diets. One of the standards of beauty of Russian show business is Laima Vaikule. Well, the method of losing weight is simple - when you see the first fat "neoplasms", you need to starve for a couple of days, and if it does not help, you must sit on a super hard diet. Vaikule prefers a 9-day diet. The first three days are rice without salt, oils, spices and soy sauce are allowed. The second three she spends on chicken fillet, and complete the cycle - fresh apples.

Angelina Jolie

Probably, when asked how the stars of Hollywood grow thin, the first one who comes to mind is Angelina Jolie. Jolie does not like to spread her diet about her diet, but there is nothing secret in the world - Jolie is a vegetarian, she eats a maximum of vegetables, she does not eat fast food, of course, and whence does she have time for food when she is surrounded by a whole crowd of uncountable children?

How do stars lose weight after pregnancy?

Angelina Jolie - this is one of the most beautiful examples of Hollywood, which proves that after giving birth a woman should not turn into a fat "aunt", on the contrary she should become even more beautiful and happier.

The same thing confirms the lightning return to the form of Jennifer Lopez, who after the birth of the twins after seven months admired the harmony and seductiveness of the forms.

Not only diets ...

However, diets do not always help. No one is unpleasant to admit, but it is still known that some stars lose weight with the help of a surgical knife. If a person was obese, and then lost weight and somehow did not return, this indicates that there was an operation to bandage and shunt the stomach. To brave men who acknowledge a similar step, include Diego Maradona and Sharon Osbourne.

Alas, but with obesity, bulimia and fatal metabolic disorders can only be controlled by such radical means.