Numerology of apartments

In numerology it is believed that the individual code of an apartment predetermines a huge number of events in a person's life, as well as his actions in the future.

Rooms are of 3 types:

  1. A single number indicates that everything in your life will be simple and understandable.
  2. A two-digit number helps to understand that in life very much is predetermined by the internal state. To such people, in order to succeed in life, one must realize one's secret desires.
  3. The three-digit number indicates a different potential of the body, emotions and mind. To achieve harmony and live happily, it is very important to understand yourself and find harmony.

Number of apartment in numerology of numbers

Residents of an apartment or house with a unique number you just need to see its meaning and find out what awaits in life. And residents of houses and apartments with multi-digit numbers will have a little more difficult. To do this, we must first determine the total number, which will predetermine events in life. In addition, in numerology, you need to consider each number of apartments separately, because in a three-digit number, for example, they define a lot of important information:

In addition, the first number means the beginning of life, the second - the most important events, and the third - the result of life.

Numerology of a floor of an apartment

Thanks to this knowledge, a person can find out how he will feel on certain floors of psychological comfort. In addition, this information extends not only to a permanent place of residence, but also to a place of work, a place of rest, etc.

Numerology of house and apartment numbers

1 - brings to life the inhabitants of joy, fun, makes it more vivid, similar to a holiday.

2 - enhances the influence of emotions and feelings on a person's life.

3 - gives strength and success in any field that is associated with physical activity.

4 - helps to achieve success in the work, which is related to intellectual activity.

5 - improves the position of a person in society, gives him optimism and confidence in his abilities.

6 - this figure improves the financial situation and at the same time does not allow you to forget about your attractiveness and health.

7 - helps to achieve stability in life and improve their professional growth.

8 - because of this figure, a person's life will be filled with surprises and surprises.

9 - helps to achieve world harmony and gain spiritual strength.