Delirium of jealousy

The delirium of jealousy is a pathologically obsessive conviction of betrayal by a partner, not based on any direct or indirect evidence.

Alcohol or genetics?

This disease is more likely to affect men, although it also occurs in women. Catalysts that include a triggering mechanism of this mental abnormality in 80% of cases are alcoholism and a decrease in erectile function. Although, one can not discount the genetic predisposition to certain mental illnesses. For example, in schizophrenic patients, delusions of jealousy can arise as a concomitant symptom, causing acute-emotional obsessions about the alteration of the attachment object, along with a disorder of thinking and an inadequate perception of reality.

Did you pray for the night, Desdemona?

The delirium of jealousy in men is expressed in constant attempts to catch the beloved in treason, shadowing, a thorough search of her belongings, total control of phone calls or sms and unfounded accusations. All the arguments and beliefs on the contrary do not apply to him. He perceives every attempt to justify himself, as an extra proof of his rightness. A poor fellow who has this disease is not able to cope with the paranoid phobias of his pursuit of his infidelity, which is based on a hypertrophied inferiority complex, fear of being abandoned, or the humiliated superiority of another man. It seems to him that in case of finding even the slightest evidence confirming the presence of an opponent, a "green light" before him will light up, giving the go-ahead for the release of the aggression accumulated in him for a long time and justifying the solution of this problem by any means, including suicide or murder their offenders, and sometimes both at the same time.

Usually the first manifestations of a delirium of jealousy, the symptoms of which are often confused with a simple increase in pickiness, begin after 40 years, although they may also occur at an earlier age. As already noted above, delusions of jealousy in women are more rare, but the symptoms and the main character of the course of the disease are absolutely identical to their male counterparts.

Unfortunately, in many cases, people suffering from this misfortune pose a serious threat to others and need qualified help. Treatment of delusions of jealousy is medically, with the use of neuroleptics and should be carried out exclusively in a hospital, under the supervision of a specialist.