Cancers - benefit and harm to the body

In fact, crayfish do not pose any threat to health, if only because they do not live in dirty waters, which means that you consume an environmentally friendly product. There are in them and many other useful things.

Benefits and harm to the body of cooked crawfish

First we will get acquainted with those useful properties that their meat possesses:

Of course, boiled crawfish can not only benefit, but also harm, if you eat already dead crayfish - this can lead to severe poisoning. Do not eat them and those who suffer from allergies to seafood.

There are also many questions about cancers that live in rivers: river crabs are good or bad? With all the benefits of both, you can see and significant differences in the composition of their meat. Thus, river crayfish almost twice contain proteins and fats, however, the ratio of saturated, poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids is half that. As for caloric content, it is almost the same for sea and river dwellers: 90 and 97 calories, respectively, so both can be safely used by people watching their figure.