Can I get pregnant with endometriosis?

According to statistics, up to 40% of young women diagnosed with endometriosis suffer from infertility caused by the proliferation of the endometrium of the uterus to other organs. However, most of them do not realize that the absence of pregnancy is caused by the presence of the disease. Symptoms of endometriosis often resemble other gynecological diseases. Therefore, the correct diagnosis is made only after a thorough examination.

What is the risk of female endometriosis?

Progression of endometriosis often leads to complications, the treatment of which is quite difficult. Consequences of endometriosis are the formation of adhesions in the lower pelvis, anemia, infertility, the development of an oncological tumor. Endometriosis often passes asymptomatically, which causes neglect of the process. At the same time, the diagnosis, put at an early stage, allows you to avoid a surgical operation and to conduct treatment with a medicamentous method. Such a disease as female endometriosis is dangerous to run. It is advisable not to neglect the annual preventive examinations, during which a common gynecological disease is usually detected.

Endometriosis and conception

If a woman does not have children, such a diagnosis involuntarily leads to the question: is pregnancy possible with endometriosis? First of all, it is necessary to understand how the presence of the disease interferes with the onset of pregnancy. The fact is that the foci of growth of the endometrium produce a toxic substance that adversely affects the development of the egg cell. Formed in endometriosis, the adhesions of the fallopian tubes cause obstruction, which also does not have a favorable effect on conception.

Treatment of endometriosis often leads to a subsequent pregnancy. However, it should be considered at what stage the disease was detected. Progressing, rather difficult stages serve as an indication for a surgical operation aimed at removing the ovaries and uterus. Naturally, in this case the chance of a child's birth disappears. In addition, endometriosis can cause changes in the mucous membrane of the uterus, a violation in the hormonal background and interfere with the maturation of eggs.

Nevertheless, endometriosis of the uterus and pregnancy are able to get along perfectly. Moreover, sometimes after the onset of pregnancy and female endometriosis of the uterus disappears without a trace.

The course of pregnancy against the background of endometriosis

In principle, with endometriosis it is possible to become pregnant. The process is complicated by the absence of real ovulation. When pregnancy occurs, a woman must be under the supervision of a doctor, as endometriosis, often leads to miscarriages. To prevent spontaneous termination of pregnancy, prescribe a course of hormonal drugs. Only after the formation of the placenta, which is not affected by the lesion, is a successful outcome possible.

The presence of the disease does not affect the fetal condition. Therefore, the pregnancy is fully capable of leading to the birth of a healthy baby, if throughout the term the woman will comply with all the recommendations of the doctor.

After treatment of endometriosis, the chances of pregnancy increase dramatically. But, for a successful outcome, you should not rush to conception. It is better to postpone pregnancy for 6 to 12 months, necessary for complete rehabilitation of the reproductive system and the entire female body as a whole. If pregnancy is still absent, which happens extremely rarely, it is necessary to pass the diagnosis of other diseases, possibly negatively affecting conception.