Ear treatment at home

Even a short stay in the draft can lead to colds, stuffiness of the ears and the appearance of sharp, shooting pain. This condition quickly progresses and can move to external or otitis media, so you need to quickly take therapeutic measures. Timely treatment of the ear at home can avoid the development of inflammatory processes, the attachment of bacterial infection and suppuration.

Treatment at home for catarrhal pain in the ear

First of all, it should be noted that independent therapy of otitis , even without complications, is undesirable, since it is first important to assess the integrity and condition of the tympanic membrane, which only a doctor can do. The proposed methods are recommendatory in nature and are used exclusively in those situations when it is difficult to seek qualified help immediately.

After a long stay in the cold wind or draft, many notice that they blown and shoots in the ear - treatment at home of cold symptoms is carried out according to the following scheme:

1. Anesthesia with tablets:

2. Reduction of swelling of the auditory tube with drops in the nose:

3. Removing inflammation with ear drops:

4. Warming:

In addition, you can use alternative medicine.

Oily turundas from pain in the ears


Preparation and use

Onion grind with a blender or grate, squeeze the juice. Mix it with butter. Saturate the cotton turunda with the product, put it in the sore ear.

The almond, walnut, camphor oil is also good for relieving pain.

Treatment of ear congestion in the home

The cause of problems with hearing acuity is often getting into the ears of foreign bodies, liquids or sulfur plug .

In the first case, it is sufficient to remove from the ear canal an object or substance stuck there.

A more complex approach is required if, due to sulfur plug, an ear is laid-treatment at home is possible only in the early stages of blockage. Severe variants of pathology suggest contacting a doctor.

Medicines for nasal congestion:

The folk recipe for getting rid of the cork in the ear


Preparation and use

Heat the oil, bury it in the ear warm and massage the sink. Lie down for 15 minutes. Wash your ear with a solution of soda in water with a small syringe.