Shoulder training

In women, the shoulder belt and thorax are much worse than in men. Well, and what's wrong with that - you already managed to ask. Regardless of your level of development of the spinal and brachial muscles, it is these parts of the body that are subjected to the highest daily load (by the way, much higher than the press about which we are so protected).

The most dangerous for underdeveloped dorsal muscles is a beautiful feminine chest larger than average. In this case, your back just does not withstand a constant 24-hour voltage and begins to crouch under the weight. Posture goes to hell, there is stoop, pain in the shoulders, neck, scoliosis and kyphosis. And all this only because you did not want to pay attention to training your back in time.

Frequency and dosage

Experienced experts say that to maintain the spinal and brachial muscles is normal, you should give the training program on your shoulders 10-15 minutes daily. However, if the changes in posture are already noticeable, you begin to suffer pain along the spine, you feel tired in the shoulders - it's time to strengthen the back with more serious methods. In this case, you can not do without visiting the gym and working with the weight. Such training should be "organized" only once a week.


For our today's training shoulders for girls will need a special inventory - dumbbells, vultures and other gizmos, which you can buy for home and do it yourself, or work with "metal" in the gym.

  1. Press "Arnold" - this press is sitting with dumbbells. We take in hand dumbbells, the starting position - dumbbells in bent hands, raised to the level of the shoulders. The palms are turned inwards. From this position, raise your hands, straightening and unfolding them - 4 sets of 15 repetitions.
  2. For the next exercise, we need a bar with a neck. They concentrated their attention on the back and muscular corset, the waist does not bend, the stomach is drawn. The starting position - facing the counter, we take the fretboard with both hands. We hold the neck at shoulder level and push it up on exhalation, slightly winding our hands behind the head - 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
  3. Dilution of hands with dumbbells - we take in both hands dumbbells, from the level of the hip joint, we bend the half-bent hands to the side, the torso is straight. When lifting a little unfold dumbbells. Do not swing your arms, the muscles should gradually raise their own weight - 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
  4. For the final exercise, we need a block with a weight - we carry out wiring with one hand. Concentrating, slowly raise the minimum weight. Elbows are bent, raise the arm to the level of the shoulders - 4 sets of 12 times.
  5. The previous exercise, in the absence of a block with a weight, can be replaced by a distribution of hands with dumbbells of minimum weight and perform 25 repetitions.

Important nuances

After strength training of the shoulders for women, it is recommended to perform a 40-minute cardio training. Only with such a load, you can disperse the fat mass, from under which, you will soon see your pumped pens and back.

The first approach to these exercises you perform with a minimum weight and do not take into account. This is a learning approach, in which you either learn the technique of doing exercises, or remember and warm up the muscles.

Before strength training, it is absolutely necessary to conduct a complete warm-up of the body, and with special care to treat the shoulder girdle. The shoulder joint is one of the most traumatic on our body. Any sharp and unusual movements are fraught with dislocations and sprains.

And the last: do not exclude exercises for the back of your daily workouts, just because the back is not visible in the mirror. A strong back is identical with a graceful posture. And without the latter you are not recommended dresses with deep and sensual cutouts on the back. Is it worth it to deprive yourself of pleasure due to laziness?