Cleaning of blood vessels

You must have heard that the blood vessels of a person need to be cleaned and strengthened, but did you ask yourself the question: why? Speaking figuratively, the vessels can be compared to water pipes, which in the conditions of city life provide a degree of comfort for a person. And this degree depends on the functional state of the pipes. Just as water enters every apartment in a multi-storey building, so does blood enter the organs and tissues of the human body. Over time, the pipes grow old, their resilience changes, their walls precipitate various substances, the lumen decreases, and the pressure on the wall of the tube increases.

Similarly, during life, human blood vessels undergo age-related changes. They lose elasticity, elasticity, strength. As a result of malnutrition, environmental factors, harmful substances entering the body from the outside, cholesterol, lime and other substances are deposited on the walls of the vessels. The situation is exacerbated by physical and psychoemotional stresses, smoking, drug use, alcohol, etc. As a result, a person has health problems: increased pressure, worries about headaches, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, reduced efficiency and overall well-being. Therefore, just like water pipes need periodic cleaning, so it requires the blood vessels of the human body. To this end, various methods and methods of official and traditional medicine are used.

Methods of cleaning the vessels

These are medical methods, which include taking medications such as statins, normalizing fat metabolism, acetylsalicylic acid, which in the preventive doses liquefies the blood, cleanses the blood with a laser, in which the effects on the vessels are either percutaneous or by intravascular irradiation, and others.

It is useless to purge blood vessels without eliminating the causes of their slagging - the effect will be short-lived. Therefore, first of all, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle, and in particular:

High muscular activity increases blood flow through the blood vessels, which reduces the risk of blood clots. Physical stress contributes to the development of the capillary network, which improves the circulation of organs and tissues. A balanced diet containing a small amount of fat and predominantly "good" cholesterol reduces the risk of cholesterol plaque formation on the inner walls of the vessels. Your vessels will thank you if you get rid of bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, which also contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.

An excellent tool for cleaning the vessels is hirudotherapy. With the help of special enzymes the leech liquefies the blood, promotes the formation of new capillaries, activates the blood flow.

Folk remedies for cleaning vessels

The leaders among folk methods for cleaning vessels from cholesterol plaques are three methods. It:

When using the garlic-lemon method, garlic and lemons are taken in a 1: 1 ratio, passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is diluted with water and infused for 3 days. Then the infusion is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. It is taken 100 g three times a day. The course lasts 40 days.

The second method involves preparing a tincture of crushed garlic for alcohol. It is taken strictly according to the scheme with counting the number of drops that are added to the milk.

Cleaning walnuts - another effective tool for cleaning blood vessels. One and a half kilograms of peeled nuts are crushed and stored in a refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp each. with riding 2 times a day for half an hour before meals, well washed down with water.

Valerian root, dill seed, red clover, honey, as well as other herbs and food products are also used.