The back is scratched - the reasons

The itching in the back is an unpleasant sensation, and if the back is itching often, it gives the person considerable physical and psychological discomfort. In addition, persistent itching can signal violations in health. Let's try to understand the reasons for which it itches.

Why does it scratch your back?

Most often, skin itching is caused by dermatological diseases. The main pathological processes are:

  1. Urticaria , resulting from allergies to food, synthetic fabrics, hygiene products, cosmetics for skin care, etc.
  2. Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease with a characteristic alternation of periods of exacerbation and attenuation of manifestations.
  3. Scabies - a parasitic disease, in which the skin shows a rash and pinpoints. When an itch is damaged, the itching becomes noticeably worse in the evening and at night;
  4. Neurodermatitis is a neuro-allergic disease, accompanied by the appearance of itching plaques on the skin, formed from small papules. As with scabies, discomfort becomes worse by evening.
  5. Seborrhea - a pathology that occurs due to disruption of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, while the amount of secreted secretions increases, and the composition of sebum changes. Skin with seborrhea can be either excessively greasy or dry.
  6. Skin infections (impetigo, folliculitis) associated with the formation of acne, which pass into inflamed abscesses.
  7. Fungal diseases of the skin , most often the skin of the back is affected by red flat lichen.

Also, the reasons for which the back is scratched in the area of ​​the scapula, can be:

Sometimes between the shoulder blades the back is scratched not because of pathologies in health, but because the rules of hygienic care are not properly observed, there are bites of insects (mosquitoes, bugs, etc.), the skin is burnt due to the intense exposure to ultraviolet rays during the stay on the beach or visiting the solarium .

Elderly people often complain that their back is scratched in the same place. In this case, senile pruritus is a physiological phenomenon that occurs without specific reasons.

Why does my back scratch along the spine?

In rare cases, itching appears from irritation of the spinal nerve roots as a result of their partial compression. There is both a feeling of numbness and irritation in the vertebrae. Experts recommend, in the presence of such symptoms, to make an x-ray to confirm or exclude osteochondrosis.

Getting Rid Of Itching

In the event that the itching causes discomfort, you should consult a specialist. The dermatologist will visually assess the rash on the skin, take, if necessary, scrapings for analysis and, in accordance with its results, prescribe treatment. If the disease has an allergic nature, an allergist, having tested for the presence of antibodies, will establish an allergen. Chronic internal diseases require systematic treatment by physicians of relevant specialties.

Very important:

  1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Wear clothes made of natural fabrics.
  3. Balanced eat.
  4. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

In short, the skin, like any human body, requires careful treatment.