Tablets from an unwanted pregnancy

In the life of every woman there can come a period when the birth of a baby is extremely undesirable for a number of reasons. In such circumstances, each girl pays attention to the issue of contraception, and often gives her preference to using condoms.

Unfortunately, even this proven method does not in all cases reliably protect against fertilization. Often, condoms are not of the best quality and can be torn at any time. However, sexual intercourse, which is likely to lead to conception, can occur and completely for other reasons.

In such a situation, you can use drugs that prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg. In this article we will tell you what tablets can be from an unwanted pregnancy for admission on an early date, how to drink it properly, and why it should be done only as a last resort.

What are the tablets for interrupting an unwanted pregnancy?

To urgently interrupt an unwanted pregnancy, you can use tablets of three different types:

All emergency pills for unwanted pregnancies must be taken in different ways. However, any such drugs should be drunk as quickly as possible after the sexual intercourse and no later than 72 hours after it. After this time, emergency contraception does not make any sense anymore, but it can have a very negative effect on the condition of the woman's body.

How to take COCs for emergency contraception?

Reception of combined oral contraceptives, or COCs, for emergency prevention is carried out according to the following scheme: first you will have to take 200 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 1 mg of levonorgestrel, and after 12 hours repeat this action. With these drugs should be very cautious, because even with a slight overdose, they can provoke a uterine bleeding.

In addition, COCs have a number of serious contraindications, in particular:

If you decided to use the method of emergency termination of pregnancy with the help of COCs, the following drugs will help you:

Reception of progestins for the purpose of emergency protection

The gestagens are used for this purpose most often. The most famous drug in this category is Hungarian "Postinor". One pill "Postinor" to protect against unwanted pregnancy should drink in the first 72 hours after sex, and another - 12 hours after the first.

Another progestational drug used for this purpose is Norkolut. 5 mg of this drug can be drunk daily, but not more than 14 days a year. Using this method, you definitely will not become pregnant, but he, like others, is quite dangerous.

What antitropic drugs are used for emergency protection from unwanted pregnancy?

Usually, for this purpose, drugs such as:

  1. "Danazol." If after sex has passed less than 2 days, you should take 400 mg of this remedy and repeat this action after 12 hours. If it takes 48 to 72 hours, the drug should be taken three times at the same dosage.
  2. "Mifepristone" is the most effective drug, which, however, can not be bought in a regular pharmacy without a prescription. It is enough to drink it once in a dosage of 600 mg, no later than 3 days after the sexual intercourse, to reliably protect yourself from pregnancy, which is undesirable at the moment.

Be very careful, because emergency contraception is incredibly dangerous and can provoke irreversible consequences. If there is a possibility, you should always consult a doctor before using such medications.