How to treat bronchitis?

When inflammation occurs spasm of smooth muscles, swelling of the mucous and as a consequence - the production of a large amount of viscous mucus. Because of this, the bronchi narrow, spasmodic, air hardly reaches the alveoli, which causes difficulty in breathing and coughing attacks.

Causes and classification of bronchitis

The course of bronchitis is divided into acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is usually contagious and requires treatment with antibiotics. With proper and timely treatment passes within 7-10 days, but in severe cases can last up to 3 weeks. Acute bronchitis often accompanies such diseases as influenza, whooping cough, tracheitis, laryngitis, and also is caused by the influence of various viruses and bacteria. Chronic bronchitis can develop as a complication in the untimely and incorrect treatment of acute, or with prolonged exposure to non-infectious allergenic factors (asthmatic chronic bronchitis).

Treatment of bronchitis with drugs

In bronchitis, the patient is recommended a sparing regimen, taking anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen) and expectorants (bromhexine, lazolvan, ambroxol). In addition, the whole complex of anti-cold and respiratory diseases is used: hot drink (in particular - tea with kalina and honey), inhalations to facilitate breathing, antipyretics in case of fever. In most cases, a complex of mucolytic and anti-inflammatory drugs is sufficient to treat it, but when the disease is neglected or bacterial, antibiotics, usually from the macrolide group, are prescribed for the doctor's prescription. Also with bronchitis it is necessary to drink immunomodulators.

When nasopharynx is affected, aerosols such as inhalipt, amphomene, and gum are added to the drug complex. And in the case of obstructive syndrome (spasm of the bronchi) - bronchodilator drugs and antispasmodics.

Independently, at home, you can be treated only with OTC anti-inflammatory and mucolytic drugs and methods of traditional medicine. If the condition does not improve, spasms or purulent discharge are observed, the doctor should be consulted for the selection of antibiotics. When bronchitis is desirable to increase the intake of vitamins in the body, and in the first place - vitamin C.

Take drugs that block cough centers (for example, libexin, codeine), with bronchitis should be with great care, as this can lead to an attack of suffocation due to the fact that the fluid accumulated in the bronchial tubes will not cough.

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies

  1. With bronchitis, you must ingest as much warm liquid as possible. The most useful in this case are teas with raspberries, kalina, lemon and honey.
  2. Inhalations promote the dilution of sputum and improve its expectoration. The simplest option is boiled potatoes in uniforms, the steam from which you should breathe, covered with a veil. Also used for inhalation essential oils (eucalyptus, cedar Atlas and Himalayan, pine, medicinal sage, berries and juniper needles) 3-5 drops per glass of hot water.
  3. An excellent antitussive drug is the infusion of honey on a black radish. To do this, the tub is cut out a groove, which is poured honey and left to insist for a day. Use infusion on a teaspoon 3 times a day.
  4. With repeated and protracted bronchitis helps collect from the mother-and-stepmother, oregano and althea root in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. One teaspoon of the collection should be poured a glass of boiling water and insist in the thermos for half an hour. Drink the broth followed by 1/3 cup 3 times a day for three weeks.

With regular relapse of the disease, you need to see a doctor to avoid the transition of bronchitis to the chronic stage.