Can pregnant women have rolls?

Rolls, sushi, wasabi - all this is so firmly embedded in our diet, that sometimes it is very difficult to give up delicacies. However, future mothers begin to be very interested in the issues of proper nutrition in this state. And there are first doubts - and whether it is possible for pregnant women to eat rolls?

It turns out that it is undesirable to eat rolls during pregnancy. We all know that for cooking sush and rolls, chefs use raw fresh fish. And the meat of such fish can be a carrier of various parasites - worms , nematodes. And for ordinary people, it's not very pleasant to hear such things. And for pregnant women, such cognition carries with them fear for the baby and fear for one's health.

Of course, directly to the child, the mother's worms can not cause direct harm. But here it is indirectly - very much even. It is well known that parasites for that and parasites that feed on useful substances from their environment - in our case from the body of a pregnant mother.

Depriving her of useful substances, they indirectly harm the health and development of the baby, because he now can not have these very substances. And Mom can not feel very well. And any of its negative state affects the baby. So that the rolls for pregnant women are not so safe.

In your interests and in the interests of an unborn child, it is better to refuse to use rolls during pregnancy. Believe me, you will have time to regale when your baby is born and stops breastfeeding.

If it's really unbearable - ask that you have prepared rolls of frozen or smoked fish fillets. In them, all the parasites have already died, and such a dish does not threaten you with new residents.

By the way, you can learn how to cook sushi and rolls on your own and add whatever you want to them. And it's not necessarily a fish. You can cook them with avocado, cucumber and other ingredients. Recipes for self-cooking this dish very much in the Internet.

By the way, another negative aspect in eating Japanese dishes is ginger, which is traditionally served along with sushi and rolls. It can unexpectedly cause a strong allergic reaction for you.

It is not known exactly why this happens, but often women who have completely tolerated ginger before pregnancy have a strong urticaria during their interesting situation. And some even get into the hospital with the threat of miscarriage. Here is such an insidious ginger in pregnancy .