Nutrition of the pregnant woman in the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is a special and the most important period in the development of the baby, because during this time there is a very active laying of his tissues and vital systems of the body. That is why the main task of the future mother, along with the right way of life, is the organization of a full and balanced diet as the foundation of good health of the baby in the future.

How to eat in the first trimester?

So, the nutrition of the pregnant woman in the first trimester is based, first of all, on the principle "No radical changes in the menu in the first trimester of pregnancy!". Of course, it should be used only if nutrition was more or less correct before pregnancy.

Now it should be regular and fractional - up to 5 times a day, along with snacks. This diet contributes to the relief of toxemia in the first trimester of pregnancy. The main emphasis here is on hearty lunch and light supper. In order to avoid harm to the fetus, in no case should not neglect breakfast. The last meal is a maximum of 2 hours before bedtime.

The size of portions is the same as before pregnancy, but at the same time it should be such that the nutrients - the fats, proteins and carbohydrates contained in it, are balanced. In other words, a portion of food should include up to 60% of animal protein, represented by fish, meat, dairy products, eggs, and the remaining 40% should come from fresh fruits, vegetables, whole-grain bread or coarse flour, vegetable oil.

Increase in caloric content of food during this period is not required: food "for two" in the first trimester is fraught with excess weight, getting rid of it after birth will be very difficult.

Drinking balance with regard to the first course should be up to 2 liters of fluid per day. Acceptance of alcohol in the first trimester, as in any other period of pregnancy, is strictly prohibited. Pregnant "coffeemans" are allowed to drink one small cup of natural coffee a day.

The menu of the pregnant woman in the first trimester should consist exclusively of fresh quality and environmentally friendly products without preservatives and chemical additives with code E.

Vitamins, vitamins and once again vitamins or what is in the first trimester?

Without vitamins, which in this period need at least twice as much as before pregnancy, the rapid development and birth of a healthy baby can be threatened. Let's consider, for what the main of them answer and where they contain:

  1. The adoption of vitamin A, contained in yolks of eggs, dairy products and cheeses, green and yellow-orange vegetables (the latter with carotene require a mandatory combination with fats) during this period, in addition to protecting the fertilized egg, are responsible for the correct development of the placenta.
  2. Vitamin B6, which is found in meat, fish, cheeses, cottage cheese, tomatoes, nuts, etc., helps the development of the baby's nervous system, and in case of sufficient quantity it prevents the appearance of edema in the pregnant woman.
  3. Folic acid (B9) in the first trimester diet is the most important vitamin for the fetus, since its lack, in addition to inhibiting the development of the formation of its organs and systems, can lead to the birth of a child with severe central nervous system defects (anencephaly, hydrocephalus, fissure spine, etc.). In this regard, in addition to consuming the main natural sources B9, which are walnuts, legumes, mushrooms, apples, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and herbs, it is necessary to take vitamin in tablets in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (the minimum dosage is 400 μg).
  4. Stimulating protein synthesis and normalizing fetal growth processes, B12 (cyanocobalimin) prevents anemia of pregnant women. It is found mainly in products of animal origin: fish, meat, offal, seafood, eggs, hard cheese, milk.
  5. Vitamin C in the first trimester menu, in addition to the function of increasing immunity in a future mother, strengthens the placenta, the walls of blood vessels, helps to better assimilate the gland responsible for the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Ascorbic acid does not accumulate in the body, it requires daily replenishment of vitamin preparations and fresh products in kind (citrus, cabbage, dog rose, greens, etc.).
  6. The warning possibility of miscarriage, and therefore especially relevant in the first trimester, vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, sprouts of cereals, eggs, greens, nuts, liver.
  7. Nutrition in the 1 trimester, as in the rest of the term, should contain vitamin D (caviar, butter, sea fish and egg yolks) and calcium, which are necessary to form the bones and teeth of the baby, which is also a kind of insurance for crumbs from allergies (cottage cheese, cheese , milk, cabbage broccoli, fish, seeds).

As a rule, the intake of vitamins and trace elements from natural products alone during pregnancy is not enough, so it is necessary to take synthetic multivitamin complexes, which the doctor prescribing the pregnancy should prescribe.

Have a nice appetite and good health to your developing baby!