Ovarian cyst and pregnancy

A cyst is called a fluid-filled cavity in tissues or organs. Cysts are true (with an internal epithelial layer) or false (without such a layer).

Types of ovarian cysts

The main types of ovarian benign cysts are:

  1. The follicular cyst . Occurs in a single-phase anovulatory cycle: if hormonal background is not violated, ovulation does not occur, and a thin-walled single-chamber cyst up to 7 cm in diameter is formed from the follicle.
  2. Yellow body cyst . Occurs in a two-phase cycle in the yellow body after ovulation: with lymph flow and fluid accumulation, single-chambered, up to 6 cm, sometimes with non-uniform inclusion.
  3. Paraovarial cyst . Occurs between the sheets of the broad ligament of the uterus, and not in the ovary, as a consequence of embryonic developmental disorders. The size of up to 20 cm, manifested during puberty and continues to grow the entire period of ovarian activity, never itself disappears.
  4. Endometrioid cyst . When implanting the cells of the endometrium of the uterus onto the ovary after abortion, operations on the uterus, inflammatory processes, single or multi-chamber, of any size with heterogeneous contents.
  5. The dermoid cyst . It develops due to violations of the development of the embryo and the laying of organs and tissues wherever they should not be normal, can be of any size and contain any parts of the human body - teeth, hair, skin, fat tissue.

Ovarian cyst during pregnancy - possible complications

Folicular cysts of the ovary do not interfere with the onset of pregnancy, and during pregnancy they usually do not. Endometrial cyst and pregnancy often exclude each other: endometriosis is one of the causes of infertility. If the pregnancy has occurred, the patient is observed the entire pregnancy without special treatment.

The dermoid cyst and pregnancy are also real, since the cyst does not affect the hormonal background and problems during pregnancy can only be related to its size. Paravarian cyst and pregnancy usually do not affect each other, if the cyst is small in size.

But during pregnancy, another kind of cyst may appear: a yellow body cyst, or luteal. It ensures the normal course of the first trimester of pregnancy, as it produces progesterone and disappears after 12 weeks. Functional cyst and pregnancy are possible, but with large sizes the cyst may interfere with the normal course of pregnancy (contributes to the threat of miscarriage). These cysts are often associated with a shortage of progesterone, and with the increase in its number during pregnancy disappear during the first trimester.

Ovarian cyst during pregnancy - symptoms

The main symptoms of ovarian cysts are the pains in the lower abdomen, usually dull, intensifying with physical activity. And sharp, intense - when twisted cysts. When the cyst ruptures, pain resembles a dagger, a loss of consciousness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fever. With the pressure of the cyst on the bladder, rapid urination is possible. But often pregnancy masks the symptoms of the ovarian cyst and it is diagnosed only by ultrasound.

Treatment of ovarian cysts during pregnancy

Ovarian cysts that do not affect the course of pregnancy usually do not heal. The follicular cyst and cyst of the yellow body often disappear until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Cysts of small size sometimes tear during pregnancy, most often their contents dissolve within a few days in the abdominal cavity.

When twisting ovarian cysts, rupture of a large cyst or ovary with bleeding ( apoplexy of the ovary ), surgical intervention (often laparoscopic) with preservation of pregnancy is necessary. In the presence of a true cyst in the second half of pregnancy is the question of the management of childbirth. If the cyst is of small size and does not interfere with the normal course of labor, its treatment is postponed for the postpartum period. When the cyst is large, then the cesarean section is performed with simultaneous removal of the cyst.