Ectopic pregnancy: consequences

Of course, an ectopic pregnancy can not pass without consequences. Another question is how serious they will be. And it depends on such factors as the time of abnormal pregnancy detection (at what time frame), the methods of its interruption (laparoscopy or surgical removal together with the fallopian tube), concomitant diseases and much more.

What is dangerous for ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancy is the development of an embryo outside the uterus. This state of affairs is not a norm, because no other body is suitable for bearing a child. If the embryo is attached to the fallopian tube, which happens in 98% of all cases of ectopic pregnancy, then at the gestation period of 6-8 weeks it threatens to rupture the walls of the tube and heavy bleeding into the abdominal cavity. The results of such a phenomenon can be the most tragic - up to the lethal outcome of a woman.

To prevent such a phenomenon, you need to know exactly your monthly cycle and the day of menstruation. This will help in time to determine the delay and the onset of pregnancy. But even if you know and prepare for motherhood, one knowledge is not enough to prevent an ectopic pregnancy. In addition to knowing about pregnancy, it is necessary to make sure that pregnancy is a uterine as soon as possible. To do this, you must do ultrasound for a period of 3-4 weeks.

Ectopic pregnancy may not manifest itself in any way. That is, it can have all the same signs, that in normal pregnancy. But on ultrasound examination the doctor will determine whether the placenta of the embryo has occurred in the uterine wall or the fetal egg has not reached the uterus, implanted in the fallopian tube.

Consequences after ectopic pregnancy

Than ectopic pregnancy threatens at its untimely detection, we have understood. But what are the consequences of an ectopic pregnancy after surgery? The main interest of a woman in this case is whether it is possible for her to give birth to a baby after an ectopic pregnancy.

It all depends on how exactly the pregnancy was interrupted: whether there was a simple operation called laparoscopy, in which the damage to the reproductive organs is minimal, or the woman was removed the uterine tube with the embryo.

Laparoscopy is performed in uncomplicated cases, early in pregnancy. In this case, the woman will retain all her organs and may well expect a successful pregnancy several months later.

If an ectopic pregnancy removes the tube or its segment, it can lead to infertility. But, of course, not in 100% of cases. If a woman is young, has good health, then it is likely that she will be able to become pregnant with one tube. The main thing is that the ovary functions well.

Ectopic pregnancy after 35 years is more dangerous, because it is much more difficult for a woman to become pregnant, having lost one tube. The thing is that she can ovulate less often, and chronic diseases only increase. In this case, the IVF method can help. With his help, the mother can become even the woman who does not have a single tube, but the ovaries continue to function normally.

Complications after ectopic pregnancy

All possible complications can be divided into early and late. To early complications that occur directly during pregnancy include: uterine tube rupture, bleeding, pain and hemorrhagic shock, tubal abortion (when the embryo peels off and enters the abdominal cavity or uterine cavity, which is accompanied by severe pain and bleeding).

Late complications of ectopic pregnancy include infertility, the probability of repeated ectopic pregnancy, a violation of the functionality of organs affected by oxygen starvation during blood loss.