Eating belly during early pregnancy

Such a phenomenon as a sudden and sudden release of air from the mouth, called eructation. With her, for the first time, so many women face in the period of gestation. An eructation in pregnancy, both at an earlier date and later, happens to be of three main types, and there may be several reasons for its occurrence.

Why does eructation arise and how to fight it?

Faced for the first time with this phenomenon, many future mothers try to get rid of him as soon as possible. And this is not surprising, because eructations during pregnancy in the early stages occurs suddenly, and can bring discomfort not only physiological, but also moral. To understand how to deal with it, let's consider the reasons for its occurrence:

  1. Active discussions during a meal. An eructation of air during pregnancy in the early stages occurs when a woman in large volumes swallows it while eating. In addition, this kind of secretions can be promoted by poorly chewed food. If you have this kind of eructation, then use the advice: eat silently, chewing food carefully.
  2. Incorrect diet of the future mummy. Overeating and eating before bed can lead to a constant belching of a woman during pregnancy in early periods, often with an unpleasant odor. This kind of discharge of air from the mouth is also called burp with the smell of "dull eggs", with which doctors recommend fighting balanced and frequent meals (at least 6 times a day) in small portions.
  3. Hormonal changes. As a result of the fact that during pregnancy a large number of hormones are produced that relax the muscles of the stomach, a woman may find that food eaten uncontrollably can enter the esophagus. This eructation during pregnancy in the early stages, usually accompanied by heartburn and passes with a diet or taking medications from this unpleasant phenomenon. In this case, the bake is removed from the ration, fried and boiled eggs, pickles, carbonated drinks, etc.

Proceeding from the above, it follows that eructation is not something unusual during pregnancy. However, the discomfort that she brings to many women makes her struggle with her. Eat only healthy food in small portions, chewing it well, and very soon you will forget about this unpleasant phenomenon.