Can I get pregnant?

Orthodoxy is very kind to pregnant women. Believers consider the mother's womb sacred if there is a baby in it. Today, we will talk about whether it is possible to get married pregnant, if for some reason the couple did not have time to do it before fertilization and conception .

Church and marriage

Civil marriage is not approved by any priest, the church recognizes only officially registered relationship. If you are already a husband and wife, then in this case the wedding during pregnancy will not differ from the usual wedding. But not always the future mother is in a legal marriage, which by church standards is considered a sin or fornication. However, when a woman is in a position, before God, she is pure. Therefore, a pregnant woman can be married anyway. Growing up inside her baby means that God blessed the couple and gave them a new life. It is desirable to visit the church as often as possible, especially if the wedding is ahead. It is best to do this with the spouse.

Wedding of the pregnant woman

Any wedding begins with communion and confession. The minister of the church will read several prayers, then invite the spouses in turn to confess. If you did not warn the priest about pregnancy, do it now. It is by no means impossible to conceal this. Wedding in the church of a pregnant woman will take about an hour, so you need to prepare for this in advance. Often, pregnant women have low blood pressure, unwell or nausea. To prevent unpleasant and awkward moments during the ceremony, tell us about the unimportant well-being of the father, take necessary medications, drink calming tea. A pregnant woman should be married, but in rare cases it is allowed to sit down.

As for shoes, give preference to low heels. This will not only facilitate the process, but will also be more appropriate in the church. Dresses for the wedding for pregnant women should be free and long, close the shoulders and chest. It is best if they are sewn from natural fabrics: cotton or flax. Fat at the wedding is obligatory, as she covers the woman's head.

In the temple after the registry office

Ideal option will be the wedding during pregnancy after registration of marriage in the registry office. In this case, everything will be done according to Orthodox rules. True believing Christians believe that the birth of children before the wedding is a sin. Therefore, if you did not have time to get married before conception, do it after. Wedding and pregnancy are not contraindications. The Bible says that a married mother will be clean at birth. This means that the delivery will be less painful and the baby will be all right.

Pregnancy after the wedding takes God's blessing, from now on the kid and his parents are bound in heaven by sacred bonds. Until the end of the term, a woman should go to the temple, before the birth it is desirable to receive the blessing of the priest, to confess and receive communion. Within 40 days after the appearance of the baby, a young mother can not visit the church. It is believed that during this period all postpartum discharges leave. Only after their termination, you can again cross the threshold of the temple.

Why not get married pregnant?

The wedding should be voluntary. There are cases when a pregnant woman insists on holding a sacrament, but the husband is categorically against it. Forced marriage does not bode well, it is considered a sin. Only a mutual decision of the spouses will make the marriage stronger and happier. There are no other barriers for the wedding of a pregnant woman.

This ancient rite has survived to this day, and has not lost its significance at all. Couples are increasingly holding their bonds before God, which often (though, unfortunately, not always) indicates a serious attitude towards marriage of the younger generation.