Menu for pregnant women

Any woman, having learned that a new life has arisen inside her, to strive to give her yet unborn baby all the best. First of all, it concerns nutrition. It should be radically revised, especially if the woman did not follow a healthy and balanced diet before pregnancy.

The correct nutrition menu for pregnant women differs slightly in accordance with the timing, because at each stage of the fetal development of the fetus, he needs various microelements for the healthy formation of the body. Previously it was believed that a woman must eat "for two", and if she had a twinned, it was necessary to eat huge portions of high-calorie food, and this, in turn, led to a set of excess weight as the most pregnant and the future child.

Perhaps this was true once, because women were engaged in heavy physical labor, and they had to satisfy not only the needs of their body, but also the child. Nowadays, when many people have a low-activity lifestyle and do not expend a lot of energy, excessive calories are useless. The menu of the pregnant woman should consist of their simple, useful, easily digestible and corresponding to the needs of her and the baby.

Diametrically opposite variant of a wrong delivery when the woman for one reason or another refuses to eat normally. Then the fruit takes all the nutrients that it needs from the mother's body, and this negatively affects its health, and the baby's body can even be perceived as something alien, up to and including rejection. It is necessary to adhere to the golden mean in the diet for the preservation and bearing of pregnancy.

The menu of the pregnant woman in the first trimester

The basis of the diet at the beginning of pregnancy is the main building material - protein. After all, it is now the laying of all the vital organs of the baby. Important and such vitamins as copper, zinc, selenium, folic acid, which are responsible for the prevention of congenital pathologies. Cobalt and iodine are involved in laying a healthy thyroid gland, and vitamins B and ascorbic acid will help cope with toxicosis. You need to drink at least two liters a day. A balanced diet for pregnant women should include in the daily menu about such a list of products:

Pregnant Men's 2nd Trimester

During this period, the need for fetus increases in nutrients and vitamins. If in the first trimester the calorie content of dishes was 2000 calories, now it should rise to 2500, but not from sweets and muffins, but due to increased consumption of fats. Particularly useful are vegetable fats, but animals need to be consumed with caution:

Menu of the pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester

In recent weeks, the frequency of meals should increase to 6-7 times a day. There is a need in small portions so that there is no discomfort. A useful menu for pregnant women now is light and low-fat food, a minimum of salt and harmful products containing it, such as preserves, sausages, salted and dried fish:

Immediately before birth for 2-3 weeks should be excluded chocolate and citrus, because they often become the culprits of rashes in a newborn baby. If it is reasonable to approach the selection of products and make a competently menu for pregnant women, then for certain it will be possible to avoid unnecessary weight gain and give birth to a healthy child.