How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

When a woman expects the birth of a long-awaited baby, she is more worried about his health than about her own beauty. But one does not interfere with one another, therefore you can quite prevent the appearance of stretch marks even during the period of bearing crumbs. They do not look very beautiful, representing reddish or purple scars formed on the chest, abdomen or thighs as a result of a slight stretching of the skin. This phenomenon is due to the gradual growth of the abdomen from 18-19 weeks and a sharp increase in the breast in its preparation for lactation.

Consider how to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy and still remain attractive and desirable.

Ways to prevent the appearance of stretch marks

These small cosmetic defects are not necessarily obligatory companions of pregnancy. Specialists give the following recommendations on how to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy:

  1. Try to eat properly and fully : eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, cereals, avoiding flour and bakery products, fatty meat, fast food, sweet fizzy drinks. After all, overweight contributes to the appearance of striae (stretch marks). Include in your diet products containing potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, copper in large quantities: apples, celery, bananas, raisins, dried apricots, pears, sturgeon and other representatives of the sturgeon family, vegetable oils. This is an excellent answer to the question of how to avoid the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy with a minimum of costs.
  2. Daily, twice a day, massage the areas of the skin where stretch marks can occur with greater probability. You can achieve a greater effect if during the procedure you use special cosmetic oil, olive oil or a mixture of almond (10 teaspoons) and lavender (5 drops) in combination with a massage mitten. Massage should be gentle, but with a noticeable pressure.
  3. If you do not know how to avoid stretch marks on your abdomen during pregnancy, as limited in means and time, try every morning and evening to do water massage. This will give the skin the necessary elasticity and elasticity. In turn, direct the trickles of warm and slightly cool water into the area of ​​the chest, abdomen and thighs. Then pat the skin and apply a special moisturizing cream on it.
  4. As a preventive measure, let's give constant load to your muscles. Long walk, get a subscription to the pool or to yoga or fitness classes for expectant mothers. Then the dilemma, which is how to avoid stretch marks after pregnancy, you simply will not arise.