Cancer and Capricorn - compatibility in love, marriage and friendship

Cancer and Capricorn belong to different elements: water and earth. This is the reason that the signs have a low psychological compatibility. If desired, representatives of these astrological groups can form a happy couple. For this it is necessary to respect the differences in habits and temperament and to rely on the common in views.

Cancer and Capricorn - compatibility in a love relationship

Astrologers believe that this option is not the most successful because of the opposite worldview. One lives by feelings, emotions, sensations, and the other looks at the world through the prism of reason and logic. Softness, romanticism, sensitivity pleasantly surprise the responsible pragmatist Capricorn. Initially, Cancer will show itself as a person with whom it is easy to work, cooperate and enjoy time. He will not argue, proving his own, which will perfectly suit both.

It is worth knowing to go to a deeper stage, as it becomes clear that Cancer does not intend to obey under any circumstances. And all the fault is not harm or the presence of one's opinion, but in the unwillingness to change anything in life. The ease with which he looks at the world often becomes an obstacle to further development and is capable of leading to a complete rupture.

These signs are compatible when the first is allowed to occupy the main position. His perseverance and strength can help to become more purposeful and responsible, to realize his vocation and find his place in the professional sphere. In gratitude Cancer will show such love, which will help the partner to open from the sensual side, which will give both happiness and inner satisfaction. A more accurate prediction depends on which pair formed: guy Capricorn-girl Cancer or vice versa.

Man Cancer - female Capricorn - compatibility in love

Compatibility of marks Cancer and Capricorn in this version is low. The young lady is likely to be interested in a calm and balanced boyfriend, so at the beginning of dating, their communication will be filled with mutual understanding and harmony. Over time, she will begin to understand that the calm of a loved one is combined with an inability to answer for one's actions and a weak sense of purpose, which few people are comfortable with.

If the girl is too much to press, she can feel how much her beloved is stubborn and selfish. To get your own, it's worth it to be more cunning and be able to interest an incessant chevalier. If he feels his strength and capabilities, he can not only reach the heights himself, but also support in this the aspirations of the other.

Woman Cancer - Male Capricorn - Compatibility in Love

In this combination, Cancer and Capricorn fit together, but are rare. It's just that these people can not interest each other at their first meeting. Active and businesslike Capricorn does not like soft, passive and boring. Weak sex under such circumstances is most often dependent on a strong, providing it with a material and dictating condition, and even impatient with any objections. If the girl gives the palm tree of the championship, and will not qualify for the first roles, then he will do everything to make the chosen one feel comfortable and as behind a stone wall.

Cancer and Capricorn - Compatibility in Marriage

As practice shows, the couple Capricorn and Cancer can become strong, reliable and long-term. For this they will have to learn to perceive the difference of natures not as a problem, but as an opportunity to look at events and things under cardinally different angles. Quite often, and that happens for some is a disadvantage, in this case - an indisputable plus.

The compatibility of the representatives of these signs is based on such similarities in the world outlook:

  1. Propensity to cash savings . Capricorn does this by trying to earn more, and his partner due to an innate ability to save.
  2. Propensity to introspection . Cancer applies reflexion in attacks of hypochondria and depressive states , and its companion - when planning new cases.
  3. Love for the family hearth . Among all relatives, Cancer is most attached to the mother and throughout this life supports this relationship. His partner tries to keep all family ties, but with special pride and trembling concerns those relatives who have achieved something in life.

Relations of Cancer and Capricorn

Personal relationships of these representatives are often filled with passion and are full of conflicts. The initiator of disputes most often is Capricorn, who does not want to put up with irresponsibility, non-compliance and slowness. This happens especially often where Cancer is a woman and Capricorn's husband. They remind the boss and the subordinate. Patient Cancer will not respond to demanding and constant comments. When his cup overflows, the Cold War will begin.

Capricorn and Cancer are compatible in all types of activities, if at the same time each of them will be ready to show indulgence and respect. These representatives of the Zodiac look at many things in completely different ways, which helps them with joint activities. Capricorn with such cooperation is able to reach greater heights than when working alone, but only if he discards his natural stubbornness.

Cancer and Capricorn - Compatibility in Friendship

The friendship between Cancer and Capricorn is rare. Without physical attraction, nothing good will come of it. Cancer is looking for someone with whom you can be spiritually and spiritually close. Capricorn needs a friend with whom he can discuss his plans and from which you can get practical advice. In a situation where the partnership is tied, Capricorn becomes the head, on which it depends, whether the friendly tandem will continue to exist.

Cancer and Capricorn - Sexual Compatibility

Where the Capricorn man, the woman Cancer compatibility in bed will be good enough. The partner takes the position of submission, and the lover becomes more relaxed and more experienced with the years. Problems can appear only when Capricorn does not realize the needs of a loved one in emotional intimacy. Satisfaction from sexual intercourse will be lower where the lady is Capricorn. Her requirements for masculine abilities may be higher than the real possibilities of a lover, because in the intimate they are incompatible in terms of needs, which creates disharmony.