Calcium gluconate in pregnancy

Quite often in women's clinics, pregnant women are recommended a drug such as calcium gluconate. This is due to the increased need of the body and mother and fetus in vitamins and various trace elements. The use of calcium gluconate in pregnancy significantly increases the likelihood of the appearance of a strong and healthy baby.

Can I get calcium gluconate?

Yes, it is possible and necessary! But only under the watchful supervision of his attending physician. It is he, and not the woman alone, who determines the individual daily rate of calcium during pregnancy. Harmless at first glance, the drug at excess of dosage can lead to the fact that:

Consequences of calcium deficiency in pregnancy

When a child is pregnant, the female body undergoes great changes, which require certain expenditure of energy, energy, and resources. The kid, in the process of its formation, literally takes away everything necessary for his growth and full development from his mother. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the health of the pregnant woman from the very beginning. The lack of calcium in the body of a woman is fraught with such consequences as:

For the baby, the results of ignoring the mother's lack of calcium gluconate during pregnancy will be such problems as:

Taking Calcium During Pregnancy

Medical practice shows that compliance with pregnant prescriptions concerning the intake of calcium preparations is very favorably influenced by successful delivery. The daily rate of calcium during pregnancy is set only by your personal obstetrician-gynecologist. It is he, and not friendly friends or relatives, better knows what and how much you and your future baby do not have. If there is an acute shortage of calcium, they can prescribe injections of calcium gluconate during pregnancy. They show a quick and effective result. However, it is worth familiarizing with all the side effects and sensibly assess the "benefit-harm" ratio. Moreover, he refers to the list of so-called "hot pricks", and they must be done by a responsible and experienced health worker.

How much calcium should I get pregnant?

The average, generally accepted dose of this drug is 1000-1300 mg per day. In this case, the fruit should receive at least 250 mg. However, it must be understood that the child not only accumulates it, but also produces yourself. Therefore, it is so important to pay careful attention to the doctor's recommendations. If you love and are able to consume daily dairy products and other sources of calcium, then perhaps you do not need to buy tablets or ampoules of this medication.

The instruction of calcium gluconate during pregnancy shows that this drug has an extremely wide spectrum of action. However, he has enough contraindications. Do not neglect these recommendations and doctor's advice. Acquire only a quality product that does not contain synthetic additives and dyes.